Chapter 104

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                   "She's kinda hot though.
                         Yeah, she's kinda
                             hot though."

Jade hummed along to her playlist while she threw her hand towel to the floor. It was a good thing she had learnt how to perform a sound proof spell, because it meant she could sing as loud as she wanted in her room, or blow dry her hair late at night without waking anybody up. It was a pity she couldn't drown out Max's obnoxiously loud whale noises from the next room, which were the only things that helped him sleep at night.

It was nearly a full week after the incident at school, where the berserkers had attacked her friends and the Hale vault had been robbed. Nothing major had happened since, everything mostly being radio silence. Although it had been too quiet, almost as if they were being taunted with the amount of time between incidents.

The last few days had been nothing out of the ordinary, the usual activities making the days fly by. She had been checking in with Max to make sure he didn't have a concussion, which meant he luckily got to stay off school, just as a precaution. The normal amount of silence and awkwardness had kept her from staying in the house for long, otherwise it would drive her crazy.

It had led her to spending most of her time at Allison's grave, applying for jobs at local business, bringing Fern for walks, reading the books that had been sat on her shelf for too long, doing homework and revision or organising everything in her room for the hundredth time in a day. She done just about anything that would keep her from sitting with her thoughts, because that never seemed to end well. For anybody.

Ms Morrell said it was a form of avoidance, something they needed to work on. Personally, Jade didn't think it was a problem. She was out of everyone's way, which kept them content, while she was on her own, meaning no one got hurt and there was less abuse being hurled her way. Oh, almost daily therapy sessions were on the schedule too, but at least she could fully get everything out there.

It was a lot easier having therapy with Ms Morrell for two main reasons; she knew about the supernatural, which meant Jade didn't have to hold back on what she was saying. The second reason was that because she was a druid— their main job being to keep balance— it meant she wouldn't be biased when giving advice.

Wrapping the wire of her hair dryer up, she threw it on her desk. It could be a problem for tomorrow when she would have to put it away. Sifting through the jackets that were hanging down in her wardrobe, she pulled a black denim one out, throwing it over her arm. Tucking her purse, keys and phone into the pocket of her jeans, she undone the latch on her window before using the pipe outside to make her way to the ground. At least her six years of aerial had came in useful for something.

Pulling her headphones over one of her ears, she blasted music that kept her in time with the speed of her walking. She had seen too many news articles to have no awareness of her surroundings, so she resulted to leaving the other chunky half sitting uncomfortably on her head. She was certain she looked stupid— it definitely felt stupid, anyway— but she would rather look weird than have a photo of her painted onto a headstone.

The walk seemed to go by a lot quicker whenever she had music with her, because in a matter of minutes she was sneaking up a windy driveway covered in flowers and hauling herself up two flights of stairs.

"Hello there," Lydia whispered, raising a brow as she opened her window, offering her girlfriend a helping hand. "You look like you're struggling," she mocked, biting her tongue to stop a giggle from escaping.

"I'm practically a pro at this by now, all have you know!" Jade teased, jokingly rolling her eyes when she was shushed. She waved her hand, the room becoming sound proof. Flopping onto the end of the bed, her eyes quickly scanned the exam papers that were laid out in alphabetical order.

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