Chapter 87

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                   "September first, 1989.
                               Dear diary."

Scott, Jade, Max, Kira and Stiles were sprinting through the corridors, almost after crashing the jeep five times on the way over. The kitsune had rang the werewolf, explaining that they had found Meredith in the school.

The doors were closed as they ran by, some classes already being half way over by now. The only exception was an economics class that was talking quite loudly while Coach was out of the room. The man himself had been alerted to Meredith sitting in the back of his classroom, and he had already contacted Eichen House. Basically, they were running very short on how much time they had to spare.

They bolted into the music room, skidding to a halt and nearly falling over each other at the sudden stop. Coach was standing with a taser in his hand and a smirk on his face as he looked down at an orderly on the floor, who was seething with anger and had seemingly had his own weapon used against him.

Max carefully made his way over to a woman near the piano. She had short hair and was wearing the standard grey scrubs that you had to wear in Eichen. She looked scared out of her mind, almost fragile, like if you said the wrong thing, she'd crumble.

"Well?" Coach hissed, throwing his hands up in the air at the teens who were just standing there. Here he was, after doing them a solid, and they couldn't even use three minutes of energy to hurry up. "Get her out of here!"

You didn't have to tell them twice. Max grabbed Meredith by the hand, trying to twist her emotions into feeling calmer as he dragged her out of the music room and into the car park. He didn't chance a look behind him, because with his luck, he would have slapped onto the floor. He just hoped that the others were following him as the wind whipped at his face.

Stiles pressed the button on his key, throwing open the doors. Max and Jade jumped into the back and dragged Meredith into the middle with them.

"Where's Lydia?" Stiles turned around in his seat to look at the banshee while Kira said a quick goodbye to Scott. Hopefully she would be able to throw the orderly's off their trail and keep them distracted for a while.

Meredith furrowed her brows as she looked between the pair of four eyes that were staring her down. "Who's Lydia?"


Lilith walked into one of the many Argent storage rooms, looking around as she tried to find one of two people that were definitely down here. After looking all through the woods near the Hale house, she hadn't been able to find a trace of Lydia. Not even a strand of hair. And then, when they had gotten home, Allison and Chris had left a note to say that they were in a storage unit.

It was the storage unit that Chris used for all of his weapons, and it was kept under lock and key. She had been down to other storage units before, but there was no point in coming down to this one, because all of their own weapons were kept under her bed in a couple of briefcases.

Pulling out a wrinkled piece of paper out of their jacket pocket, she typed the written code into the keypad. Why wasn't the stupid thing working?

Chris pulled open the door, the button making a loud noise as it motioned upwards. He raised a brow when he saw Lilith hopping around and cursing under their breath. She was most definitely not the most patient person, and had obviously kicked the wall or something nearby. He cleared his throat, resisting the urge to laugh and instead covering it up with a cough.

"Finally," Lilith grumbled, picking up their bag off the floor and brushing past her uncle on the way by. It seemed the two of them were literally just missing each other; her going in and Chris going out. It wasn't anything new; barely any of the three Argent's got to spend much time with each other without a life threatening issue being in the way.

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