Chapter 97

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                         "You know I can't
                       make it on my own."

Lilith flopped backwards, sighing as she rubbed her head. The bed creaked, a weight settling itself down before Ethan was lying beside them, the two teenagers staring at the ceiling in silence. Today had been... enlightening, to say the least. Their ex-girlfriend was the sweetest yet most dangerous person to ever walk the earth, all thanks to her power crazed mother.

"I'm leaving," Ethan whispered, closing his eyes as he waited for the explosion. It was coming, he knew it was. That's what Lilith done. She held in all her emotions until they burst, whoever was the closest being on the receiving end of the attack.

"What?" Lilith spat, a sharp tone to her voice as she sat up, running a hand through their hair that was stuck to their back because of how warm it was. Ethan sat up now too, his eyes softening with guilt as they glared at him. "What do you mean you're leaving?"

"I can't stay here," he shook his head sadly, knowing exactly what was running through her head. He could see the wheels turning, know every single thought that was firing up. "You know I can't stay here, Lily. Not without Aiden, I'm sorry."

"Get out," they seethed, storming over to the door and holding it open for him to leave. Her knuckles turned pale from gripping onto the frame so hard and they were sure her heel was going to break through the floorboard into the next room. They bit her lip until it hurt, ignoring the pleads from their life long best friend. "I said get out!"

Ethan sighed, tilting his head as he tried to explain it. But he knew there was no reasoning with the fiery redhead. Because in their mind, this was what always happened, every single time. Another prime example of why she should have never gotten this close or attached to someone. "Lily, I can't stay here on my own."

"On your own?" they shouted, voice betraying her as it broke mid-screech. "What about me, Ethan? Huh? What about me? You're leaving me here on my own! Kate's gone, Allison's gone, Aiden's gone, Max is going to rehab, Chris and Isaac are going to France and you're leaving me! What have I done, because I can fix it! You and Aiden promised you were different, you both promised you wouldn't leave!"

"Come on, don't be like that," he began, trying to grab the fists that were flying towards him, hitting against his chest and shoulders. He eventually caught hold of their wrist, pulling her into his chest while she sobbed and continued to fight.

Lilith finally gave in on the grief that couldn't be contained anymore as she let themselves crumble, clutching at Ethan's leather jacket. "Why does everybody always leave? What are we doing wrong because it doesn't seem to happen to anyone else. Am I seriously that insufferable to be around? That unlovable? Even my own parents don't want anything to do with me. God, I sound like a manipulative cow but that's not what I mean, you know that. Why Aiden and Allison? Out of everyone, I just wish it hadn't been them," they broke down, pulling at the roots of her hair while Ethan rocked backwards and forwards on his heels, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"I know," he whispered, holding the girl closer while he silently cried, clamping his lips tightly shut. Hold it together, one of them had to be stable for the time being. "Don't say that. You're not insufferable and you're most definitely not unlovable. Who cares what Kate and Alex think? Neither of them had the decency to raise you or watch you grow up into the amazing person you are. All you got from them was your last name and your hair colour. And you won't lose me. Besides, I can't exactly get rid of you now, you've been attached to my hip for too long. You're not replaceable, Lily, besides what you might think. So, I have an idea. Come with me."

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