Chapter 81

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            "I'll blow up into smithereens
              and spill my tiny symphony."

Lilith rounded a corner, ignoring the stares from students and teachers due to the large bandage that was taking up half of their upper arm. Why were people in this town always so nosey? It was never like this in France!  "Pierce! Wait!"

Max rolled his eyes, stopping outside the double doors of the school to tuck away a flask of alcohol back into his jacket pocket. Did people just have a personal vendetta against him or what, because it seemed he couldn't get a minutes peace nowadays. "Argent. What now?"

"Good news is we found Stiles," Lilith fixed her bag that had slipped when they were running after him. She didn't miss the twinkle of hope in his eyes that had showed up when he found out the news. And they hated to be the bearer of bad news, but she was about to burst his bubble. "Bad news is he's kinda put bear traps all around the cross country track, where Jade and everyone else is now."

Max thought his eyes were just about ready to pop out of his sockets as he began to basically run to the cross country field, knowing that Lilith was behind him because of the clicking of her heels against the gravel. "You know, you could do a better job of getting to the point!" he yelled over his shoulder, picking up speed.

"Maybe if you weren't running away from me all the time, I could! I also don't get social cues so when you said 'what now', I thought you wanted a full explanation!" they hissed, finally catching up to him. Max never understood social cues either, she could tell that much from the way he talked and acted. It wasn't a bad thing, just something they'd observed of him over time!


"How's Isaac?" Danny panted, his arms moving in sync with his legs as he ran. He was towards the front of everyone else, running being something that he prided himself of being good at.

"He's okay, I think," Jade ran in time with her friend. The news of what had happened at the hospital had spread like wild fire; nearly everyone knew at this point.

Coach had even dragged her into his office, wanting her to pass on a card that he had gotten each of the lacrosse players to write a message on. It was kind of sweet when you thought about it. Especially when it was Coach who had organised the gesture.

"How are you?" Danny asked casually, chancing a quick glance at her arm that looked like it had been burnt; like she'd been electrocuted. With everything that occurred in this town, it wouldn't be the most surprising thing to happen. But he wasn't one to pry.

"I'm okay. What about you?" she asked. She'd never get to know what Danny's reply would have been, because two figures came from, seemingly out of nowhere, dropping the two of them to the ground. Jade groaned, the wind having been knocked out of her as she curled into a ball to protect her arm. She heard Danny talking to someone, ignoring their conversation. "What the fuck!"

"I'll explain later, don't kill me," Lilith insisted, pulling Jade to her feet, and brushing the leaves off their own skirt. Wincing, she adjusted one of her heels that had slipped off in the process of knocking Jade down. Well, they'd take a nearly broken heel over someone getting their leg caught in a bear trap.

"Stop, stop, everyone stop!" Stiles came into view, screaming his lungs out. Coach and Aiden were right behind him, slowing to a stop beside him. Lilith and Jade shared a nervous glance with each other before heading over to the crowd of cross country players that were starting to gather around.

Stiles bent down, shuffling some leaves around before picking up a circular chain. He began to yank on it, unraveling it from the floor while everyone else watched on in confusion.

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