Chapter 45

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"Harsh words if you
don't get a pic
with me."

"Are you sure you're okay to go in there on your own because I really don't think this is a good idea," Jade whispered to the brunette.

"I'll be okay, don't worry. Just make sure to stand guard outside," Allison whispered back.

"Fine. But if I hear anything suspicious, I'm coming in," she stated. Jade didn't like this one bit. Their brilliant plan was to go and find Jackson in the locker room and confront him. She wouldn't have minded as much if it was normal Jackson. Well, as normal as Jackson could get. But psycho, murdering lizard Jackson, she did mind.

The girls sneaked around the corner. They were right outside the locker room, but jumped back when someone came out from there.

"You scared the hell out of me," the boy laughed. Jade had to refrain from rolling her eyes. It was the boy who had been staring at Allison and her the other day at her locker. Matt, she thought his name was.

"Sorry, we were- uh- nothing," Allison stammered.

"That's a.. nice heels. And boots," he said, gesturing at the shoes that they were holding in their arms.

"Our feet were hurting. You know, gym and all," Jade lied. They began to put the boots and heels on so that they didn't continue to look like a fool for any longer.

"Oh yeah, same reason I never wear mine," he shrugged. They looked up, brows raised. "Uh- did yous hear about the underground show? Apparently they've got some big name spinning."

"Like a rave?"

"Well, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who could hook us up with tickets if you're down? Want me to get you both one?"

"Yeah, all right," Allison spilled quickly.

He looked at Jade expectedly. "I don't really like raves, or party's, whatever you wanna call them. They're not really my thing," she responded nonchalantly.

He nodded. "Jade, could we um- could we talk for a sec?" he asked, pointing down the hallway.

The blonde cast a glance at Allison, who was looking quite alarmed. "Sure," she replied, walking behind him. "Go! I'll watch from here," she whispered as Allison slipped into the locker room.

She followed him down the corridor, where she threw herself into an armchair by the vending machine. He stood opposite her, hands in his pockets. When he didn't say anything, just stood there staring at her, she raised a brow in confusion. She didn't even want to be here with him, but he wasn't gonna leave so she had to find some way to get Allison in the locker room.

"I know you said party's aren't your thing so I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe.. go on a date? With me? At a restaurant or something?" he asked, his eyes never leaving her.

She sat there, blinking at him for a few seconds. She didn't even know the guy. She had talked to him once, for five seconds. She didn't really want to be mean at the same time though. "Oh. Look, I'm sorry but I don't really think that's something I'd want to do. No offence," she confessed, getting to her feet. She spilled out apologies, before she felt a hand wrap around her wrist. "What do you think you're doing?" she questioned.

He loosened his grip, but only by the slightest. "I just want to get to know you!" he explained, forcing out a laugh.

"And I said I don't want to know you," she spat. She'd tried to be nice but this guy clearly didn't know when to stop. She tried to walk off again, but he tightened his hold on her even more. "You're hurting me. I'm warning you that if you don't let go of me within the next ten seconds you'll be on the floor and I won't tell you again. Learn to take no as an answer asshole," she hissed.

How hard could it be? • LM / SSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя