Chapter 16

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                    "I guess I should stop
                     looking out for you."

"There's Derek, I can see him," Scott whispered to Jade, pointing at the Hale, who was jumping on top of rooves.

Yet again, she had been dragged out of the house in the early hours of the morning by her cousin. She was beginning to wonder if she should just invest in buying a Starbucks at this point because the amount of times she went a week, just to keep herself awake, was unreal.

This time it was because he had found out that Derek was trying to find the Alpha, who in fact was not himself. Which led to another problem; who was the Alpha that bit Scott and why was he so desperate to build his pack?

"I'm going to go help him," Scott whispered, beginning to sneak around the corner.

"You didn't even see which way he went!" Jade hissed, trying to emphasise how stupid it would be for him to do something like that without all the facts. He looked back up again, and she was right; Derek wasn't there anymore.

A gunshot sounded from nearby and Jade quickly pulled Scott to the side of a wall. They peeked their head around the corner. A dark blonde woman was standing beside a black car, holding a shotgun in her hands and looking nervously to the sides.

Knowing she would have to hide behind the wall fast, she sent a wave of magic to the woman's right. Hopefully, if Derek was somewhere by the left he'd have a chance to run. If not, it was just tough luck. Magic ricocheted off the cars wheel, sending sparks flying into the air.

The woman gripped her gun tighter, more alert than ever now. Jade swiftly turned back out of sight, her back pressed against the wall. "What did you do?" Scott asked cautiously.

"Just sent a friendly warning her way," she whispered back, tilting her head.

Another car pulled up, but Jade didn't want to chance whoever it was seeing the both of them. The pair were silent for a few minutes, Scott using his enhanced hearing to listen in on the conversations while Jade waited for an update from him.

"It's Chris," he whispered. "Allison's dad."

But then she remembered something. Something important. "Wait. It's the blonde and Chris from the vision Max saw the other day," she exclaimed, eyes wide. It must have been another hunter. It would explain the shotgun and why Chris was talking to her.

They heard two car doors close and the squeak of brakes, before the hunters left, leaving them to go not too long afterwards.


"If Derek's not the Alpha then who is?" Stiles asked curiously.

"I don't know," Scott sighed.

Reaching down into her bag, Jade pulled out a pack of pain killers. Popping out two, she swallowed them with her coffee. Grimacing, she reluctantly swallowed it. Cold coffee.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles questioned. Holding on to her temple, Jade was debating whether or not she should throw her coffee over Stiles. Maybe then he'd faintly give them all two minutes to actually think and have a bit of peace.

"I don't know," Scott replied, becoming more irritated with the hundreds of questions being thrown his way.

Sitting back in his desk, Stiles was silent, sighing. Of course that only lasted a few seconds. "Does Allison's dad know about the..."

"I don't know!" Scott shouted, causing Jade to visibly jump. A few students looked back at the noise and he sunk down in his chair, desperate for the ground to swallow him up. Thank God his teacher had went to get some paper from the printer, or he would have been in serious trouble.

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