Act I

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I have emotional motion sickness,

Somebody roll the windows down,

There are no words in the english language,

I can scream to drown you out.

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teen wolf
season 1

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There are three things you should know before jumping into the chaos that was life as a teenage supernatural. Unfortunately, there wasn't a rule book that you were given, so you kind of had to make them up as you went along. Although, being a Pierce definitely came with a few unspoken understandings that were followed to a t.

Don't trust anyone. Your blood was as good as it got when it came to confiding secrets, but even then there was a high chance that you would be told to suck it up and keep pushing through. It had to get worse before it got better, right? Or something like that, anyway.

Emotions were supposed to be kept to yourself. Showing emotion was your ultimate weakness and your enemy would use that to their advantage, which would cause even more trouble to come knocking at your door. You didn't wear your heart on your sleeve, that was certain.

Failure was not an option. It was as simple as that. If one thing failed, your world came crashing down around you. Even if you were reassured a hundred and one times that it was fine, that maybe you could make up the test by doing extra study, there was still a tension that wasn't expressed in words.

Max Pierce was more stubborn, pushing the boundaries more than his sister ever dared to. Being a seer hadn't exactly helped with the idea of a bright future, given that predicting disasters and death was a daily occurrence. Besides, he had never been one to follow the crowd; an openly, proud gay teenager living in Florida was a bold move, without adding his big mouth and even bigger personality to the equation.

Jade Pierce was nearly the complete opposite of her twin brother. She was an introvert at heart and, to be honest, didn't really have many friends. Having a million social issues was her main problem, not presenting her with many opportunities to befriend anyone— let alone have the chance at a relationship. According to her mother, her resting bitch face and dark clothes made her hard to approach. She had a strong passion about standing up for what was right, though, just simply didn't know how to go about putting it into action. She should probably try and get her own problems into order first, before taking on anyone else's. Control was proving a real issue, causing her to nearly set their house on fire many a time.

When all members of the Pierce family are involved in a fatal car crash on a stormy evening, their lives are torn upside down. Max inherits his father's powers, now being burdened with being an empath as well as a seer. Elizabeth and Sean were pronounced dead in the hospital, 23:09. It left the twins with a flurry of overwhelming emotions, as well as the question of where they were meant to go. A call from their highly concerned aunt, Melissa, sends them on their way to California, into a small town called Beacon Hills.

Apart from the killing ache of grief, everything seems to be going smoothly, the grim circumstances considered. One question still seemed to linger heavily; how were they expected to keep their powers hidden? But when their cousin gets turned into a werewolf, a family of hunters have a hit on his head and everything seems to spiral out of control, their plan starts to crumble. But overall, how hard could it really be?

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