Chapter 115

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                        "Guess who's back?"

She was sure she was dead. She had to be. Why else would Allison be standing a few metres away from her? It wasn't possible that she was alive, not after being lit on fire.

She was almost certain she looked like a fool, her mouth hanging wide open, green eyes not daring to blink. If this was a hallucination, or maybe a dream, she wanted to stay here. It was a lot more peaceful than the terrible nightmares that attacked her every night.

It was the Allison that she knew and loved, not the one with an arrow piercing through the witch's heart. And for a moment, everything finally felt okay. In those times where she was close to giving up, this would be all she needed to pick her back up again. Allison looked to be a few months older, which was only natural, given that even the dead seemed to age flawlessly. Their brunette hair was smooth, covering her face like a personal curtain, something they had always taken pride in. There was tears gathering in the corner of her eyes as Jade stepped forward, half afraid that it was an illusion that would be snatched away.

Allison laid a hand on Jade's shoulder, trying to show that this was real. And in that instant, everything came crashing down. Jade's thin frame racked with sobs as she held onto her best friend for dear life, the brunette quietly shushing her. The emotions that had been bottled up could no longer be contained. The guilt over what had occurred on November 13th and at Calliope's. The loneliness that made her feel invisible, like she could slip into the darkness and no one would notice. The anger she felt, mostly aimed towards herself.

The pain. The utter pain she felt every waking moment of every day. The dull knife digging it's way into her heart, knowing that she was here and Allison wasn't by her side. Heartbreak. That's what it was— the heart that most people thought was non-existent, shattering inside of her body. And there was nothing she could do to stop the shards from killing her, starting on the inside and working it's way out.

"Stop hiding from it. Screw what everyone else thinks. Your magic is a part of you and once you accept that, control will come easier. You'll snap and you'll mess up, but that's okay. Just stop hiding from it, Jade. It's not going to go away, no matter how much you pray it will. You have to go back. I love you."

Jade felt the panic set in, Allison slipping through her fingers. She was being thrown through a rabbit hole, dizziness hitting her full blast.

No matter how much she wished she could stay there, she knew it wasn't possible. She could only pray that the comfort of knowing Allison was at peace would be enough. They were safe at last. Safer than what she had been in Beacon Hills.


The animal clinic was in full motion, one thing on everybody's mind. All current issues with the girl were cast to the side, no one letting what happened at Calliope's effect their judgement. The only thing that mattered right now was making sure Jade recovered as quickly as possible, by any means necessary.

Scott had tried to take as much pain as he could, but he doubted he had even felt a fraction of the torment she was in. Stiles had knocked Max out on their way home from Eichen, the pain he was in seeming to be unbearable. The doors to the animal clinic were propped open on arrival, Chris, Liam and Scott swiftly making their way inside.

After a few moments of utter terror and some CPR in the back of Argent's car, Jade was finally breathing again. Scott and Liam had tried their best to reassure the witch that she was going to be fine, yet she didn't seem to be able to hear them. Pain was the only thing she could focus on, conversations being miles away.

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