Chapter 107

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                            "This is the day,
                         your life will surely

Jordan Parrish kicked open the door to the top floor, gun held in hand as the Sherriff walked closely behind him. This was definitely a crime scene if he had ever seen one. A dead body lay lifeless near the edge of the roof, blood soaking his shirt.

He lost his balance, tripping over something that he hadn't seen through the almost complete darkness that enveloped the night sky. "Sheriff!" he yelled loudly, two fingers pressed against the girls neck as he tried to find a pulse. "Jade? Can you hear me?" He turned her onto her back, trying not to panic as his boss knelt down to help.

"She's out cold, pulse is steady. Seems to be a head injury of some kind," Noah observed, gently pulling her hair out of the pool of blood. The paleness of her skin made her look dead under the light of his torch, an empty shell that was beyond saving. Yet the beat of her heart was enough to give him hope that she would be fine. It was Jade for christ's sake, she always bounced back. "Her pupils constricted, which doesn't seem to indicate a concussion. But we don't know how long she's been out for."

He propped the blonde against the wall, holding a spare cloth against the back of her head. "Parrish. Can you get everyone off the roof, please? I have an expert of my own coming in to have a look at this," he ordered, holding Jade's hand in his own. Sure, she may have done bad things, but he still saw her as a daughter. Maybe a daughter that had been led astray, but she was trying and that was all he could ask for. He sighed heavily, getting tired with all the endless questions from his curious deputy.

Parrish eventually wandered off, feeling slightly uneasy at the thought of leaving Jade there. She was young, about sixteen or seventeen he would have guessed. Despite only meeting her on a few occasions, she never seemed to be able to catch a break.

"I guess you've been there long enough to hear that we need to be quick about this. Scott said he called himself a wendigo," Noah spoke up, refusing to move from his spot on the floor.

Derek stared down at the body of the unknown teenager, scrunching his nose in disgust. It seemed to be a gruesome death, but hopefully it was quick and painless. "Cannibalistic shape-shifters. I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time. Must have been well-hidden. How many people did Scott say was up here?"

"Just Sean and the axe murderer, who apparently has no mouth," Noah shrugged, biting his lip anxiously at how soaked the cloth had became with the witch's blonde. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad once she woke up, because then she should be able to heal herself.

Derek stood on the edge of the roof, looking out into the distance. "There was someone else. Young—"

"It was probably Jade," he interrupted, letting out a breath of relief when the girl's hand twitched in the slightest. It was progress, something they could work with. "Scott mustn't have seen her."

"No, this person was male. I can smell his blood," he furrowed his brows, jumping onto an even surfaced platform. Hands on his hips, he stood with his feet apart as he glanced pitifully at the girl who was slumped over. "I'll drive her home, I saw her car parked outside. She's gotta have her keys on her."


Max stomped up the stairs loudly, singing the sound track to 'Beetlejuice' under his breath. That was Jade's fault for constantly playing it in her car on the way home from school. No one would be asleep yet, so it didn't really matter how noisy he was. He had received a phone call from Scott, demanding for him to come home as quickly as possible, which hadn't given him much of a break for the day. The vial that Deaton had given him weighed heavily in his jacket pocket, feeling like a betrayal to his sister. She would understand though; she had to.

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