Chapter 114

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                             "Time eats all his
                         children in the end."

Max tapped his fingers against the wall behind him, for the millionth time in his life not giving his full attention to what was going on. Even though they were currently in Eichen House waiting to see Meredith, his mind was still back in the sheriff's station, still trapped on that one name on the dead pool. He could only assume that Nathan Lawless was Liberty's brother, and given that the boy's sister was a supernatural, it matched up.

He was debating wether or not to send Liberty a message on her Instagram account, but he wasn't sure if it would help or not. Given that his own sister had tried to murder the girl less than a month ago, there was a good chance the brunette would think it was a plan to trick her into panicking. The other side of things was that the message would probably get sent directly into her requests, meaning it might not be read until it was too late.

But a gut feeling made him more inclined to reaching out, worried that something would happen to the boy, knowing that he could have prevented it. Nathan looked to be quite young in the photos, fifteen years old at a push. If he was to be attacked by an assassin, Max knew he would never be able to forgive himself.

So, it was on that singular fact alone, that he knew he would have to send Liberty a message. Maybe it would be a good idea to send the older girl— the one in most of the photos— a warning too, just to be on the safe side.

A voice erupted from down the hallway, loud and heavy footsteps following. "What the hell are we running here? A bed and breakfast? You do not just open the door for anyone with a badge," he scolded the other nurse, snatching the keys out of his hand.

"We need to talk to Meredith Walker," Parrish spoke up, trying to diffuse the hostility. By the groan that Stiles had let out when he seen the man, he could gather that he was a dick. "It involves a murder investigation."

"You can talk to her all you want but these three, especially that one—" he pointed a finger in Stiles' face, "—they're outta here."

Yep. He was a dick. "They're crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn't have brought him here if it wasn't absolutely crucial."

Brunski took a challenging step forward, right up into Parrish's face. His intimidation tactics would have to be a lot better than that if he thought it was going to make him back down. "Okay, Deputy. How about you come back with a court order and then I'll listen." He turned to Stiles, stalking towards him. "As for you, Mr Stilinski. How about you come back with payment in full. That's right. Daddy may be the sheriff, but he's late on the bills. I guess those government jobs aren't as reliable as what they used to be, huh?"

Brunski seemed to pause, his chest heaving up and down like he couldn't breathe. Lydia cast a glance down at Max, nudging Stiles in the ribs when she saw the boy's eyes glowing a bright green.

Stiles grabbed Max by the elbow, turning him around so Parrish wouldn't see what was happening. The last thing they needed was to try and explain that when he himself had no idea what was going on. "Max. What are you doing?" Brunski was starting to tense up, almost as if he was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. Stiles snapped his fingers in front of his friend's face, shaking him as he tried to get him to stop whatever psychological mind thing he was doing.

"But they do help when you need a favour. Like, how a month ago Canaan P.D. helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyser," Jordan shrugged nonchalantly, smirking in triumph as the man's face faltered. He hadn't realised the severity of what was happening, just assuming that Brunski was getting angry. It didn't matter though, because the warden was back to normal, slightly shaken up at the least.

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