Chapter 12

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  "Don't blame me,
   love made me crazy."

The car ride back to Scott's house was quiet.

Max was half asleep, sprawled along his side of the backseat. Jade was listening to the quiet talking on the radio. Stiles was driving, his focus on the road while Scott scrolled through his phone.

The group had called the sheriffs station a few hours prior and Derek was arrested. Jade thought he looked a lot angrier than normal, if that was even possible. But he was getting arrested so that was probably why.

"I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial," Scott noted, breaking the silence.

"That's because it's not," Jade replied, moving her foot and accidentally kicking Max in the process. Startled, he woke up, shooting a glare her way. "I've never read anything about wolfsbane being used for death or something along the lines of that. And trust me, I read a lot."

"Maybe it's similar to a ritual," Stiles stated, throwing out suggestions.

"Yeah, Stiles that doesn't happen," Max replied, yawning, Jade nodding along in agreement.

"Okay, supernatural dictionaries. Well, what if you have to learn it?" he questioned, taking a left on the road.

"I'll add it to my to do list," Scott snapped. "Right after figure out how the hell I'm going to play in the game tonight."

"No way Scott. Not happening," Jade quipped at her cousin.

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves," Stiles continued, oblivious to what Scott and Jade were talking about.

"Okay stop!" Scott yelled, taking them all by surprise. It was purely that fact that it had came from him that had scared them. Scott was rarely ever one to lose his cool, let alone raise his voice at anyone.

"Stop what?" Stiles questioned.

"Stop saying werewolves. Stop enjoying this so much!"

"Are you okay?" Max asked, sitting forward in his seat and peeking his head into the gap of the front seats.

"No, I'm not! I'm so far from being okay!"

"You have to accept this, Scott. Sooner or later," Stiles said. He personally thought he was making a valid point.

Max's chest begins to feel like he couldn't breathe again. Another panic attack? Again? His breathing started to quicken as he gripped onto his seat.

"Max?" Jade asked, concerned.

"No!" Scott screamed, still continuing his heated conversation with Stiles.

"You have to!"

"No, I can't breathe!" Scott exclaimed. He began to freak out and clutch at his chest.

"Stiles, pull over!" Jade yelled, slapping her hand against the window in frustration.

"What's happening?" Stiles asked, swerving in and out of the road.

Scott grabbed Stiles' backpack from in between the arms of the two front seats. Wolfsbane.

"You kept it!" Jade shouted. She was in disbelief that Stiles had brought it with them. He could sometimes be stupid, but God, how could he be that stupid. Considering she explained that it killed werewolves, she didn't know why he still had it.

"Well, what was I meant to do with it?"

"Anything but keep it!" Max said, everyone now yelling.

"Stop the car!" Scott growled, his eyes flashing yellow.

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