Chapter 113

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                   "I was a kid but I wasn't
                   Someone who loves you
                          wouldn't do this."

"Their alpha is a woman named Satomi. She's one of the oldest werewolves alive and she's learned a lot. She's a bitten werewolf. Learning control wasn't easy for her. She did something a long time ago and it changed her. The quote 'the sun, the moon, the truth,' is a mantra, it helps her keep control," Derek explained, stamping on leaves as he walked through the preserve, two teenagers by his side.

He thought that it would be a good idea for Malia and Lilith to have some background information about who they were looking for. He had connected the dots after the lacrosse game last night, when he, Stiles and Peter took a sick Brett to the animal clinic while the others came up with a way to clean the mess. The young werewolf eventually stopped seizing, whispering the mantra. It couldn't have been a coincidence, and Brett really was a member of Satomi's pack.

Malia paused, head raised in the air as she breathed in the familiar scent. "It's gunpowder." She shared an anxious glance with Lilith, stepping forward and kneeling down.

Lilith wiped a strand of hair out of her face, picking up a shiny, polished bullet on the ground. It had stood out almost instantly, a thousand of the bullets dropping in the their stomach at the sight. There was no way to be sure, but she was almost certain that it was one of Kate's. It felt the same in their hand, just like the one they had forged when turning sixteen.

Derek sighed, examining the bullet over the girl's shoulder. "If Brett's pack is out here, I don't think they're meeting; they're hiding. We should split up," he ordered, pointing in different directions for the three to go. "We meet back here in an hour. Leave your phones on."

Malia headed towards the north, Derek took the left hand side while Lilith took all of the other ground that wouldn't be covered. The preserve was a large place, so an hour didn't give them much time to analyse every single thing that was out of place. That meant two things; they had to move swiftly with no time to waste and they had to be open to any idea, no matter how good or bad it was. For someone who was wearing heels, Lily was still able to run faster than always. Practice made perfect, as the saying went.

They were stuck in a world of their own, trying to fit small pieces of information together in her head. What were they even meant to be looking for? Prints were the more obvious guess. Anything that looked disturbed could possibly be a hiding spot too, but it could also be a decoy to give the pack time to get away. She was thinking like a hunter, but what if they needed to think like a werewolf? If they were a werewolf, where would she hide? What precautions would they put into place to make sure they weren't found?

A twig snapped from almost directly behind Lilith, the redhead narrowing their eyes in wariness, heart picking up speed. An arrow was pulled quickly out of the bag on their shoulder, ready to shoot. She didn't believe in coincidences— that the sound could have just been a bird— especially not when there was a dead pool with supernatural creatures on it. Sure, they weren't a supernatural, but all of her friends were. Another twig snapped, this time louder, whoever or whatever growing closer. Her feet were swiped from underneath them, the wind knocked out of them at the impact.

"What was the first thing you ever learnt? Never keep your back turned," Kate sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and digging the heel of her boot into the girl's hand. Apparently nothing had changed in the last year and a half. Her daughter was still as useless and pathetic as ever before.

Lilith was momentarily gobsmacked, unable to do anything other than lie there, staring in disbelief and ignoring the pulsing pain in her fingers. This had to be some sort of sick delusion, possibly a ploy for someone to throw her off. If that was their intention, it was working.

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