Chapter 49

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               "You're the only friend
                               I need."

"The evidence is gone. Why don't you just go?" Scott asked, regaining his footing after being pushed by Matt.

"You think the evidence mattered that much? No, I want the book," Matt replied. Jade cast a look from the floor to Max. Please say it wasn't her spell book he was after. If he couldn't speak Spanish and other foreign languages, they should be okay though.

"What book?"

"The bestiary! Not just a few pages, I want the entire thing."

"I don't have it. It's Gerard's. What do you want it for anyway?" They were all intrigued now that Scott had started asking the real questions. He already had the kanima, so what did he need the book for?

"I need answers to this," Matt said. He pulled up his shirt to reveal reptile scales. It looked like there was something moving under his skin. "Don't go anywhere," he ordered as he dragged Scott out of the room again.

He glanced at Max on his way out before laughing. "I don't even have to touch you and I can still hurt you," he scoffed before continuing his murder spree.

Max laughed before sticking his finger up behind the boy's back. He was sat on the floor, holding his stomach. Matt had shot Scott when they were out in the corridor, resulting in Max being shot. Even though there was no physical wound, there was still pain because of his empath abilities. He just loved his abilities. It had so many benefits.

"Psst. Hey," Stiles whispered. "You know what's happening to Matt?"

"The book's not gonna help him. You can't just break the rules, not like this," Derek replied. Matt was kidding himself if he thought he could use the kanima without there being any repercussions.

"What do you mean?"

"Universe balances things out. Always does," Jade whispered from her place on the floor. Making sure you didn't move a muscle was a lot harder than what it seemed.

"Is it because he's using Jackson to kill people who don't deserve it?" Max questioned.

"Killing people himself too."

"So, if Matt breaks the rules of the kanima, he becomes the kanima?"

"Ding, ding, ding," Max whispered. "Balance."

"Will he believe us if we tell him that?" Stiles asked.

"Not likely," Derek whispered. The chances of an idiot such as Matt believing them were very, very slim.

"He's gonna kill us all when he gets that book, isn't he?"

"I have a few things up my sleeve," Jade whispered. When they turned to look at her, she glanced at Jackson who was watching them from the doorframe. "What are you doing?"

Max had pulled up her jumper, looking for something. "Oh. So when you said you had a few things up your sleeve, I'm gonna guess you meant that metaphorically."

"Can you access any of those things soon?" Stiles interrupted. It would be helpful if she could do something, anything.

"Not if you want lizard boy to kill us. I'm already healing Max, like, right now."

"You have your powers?" Derek questioned.

"I can do spells in my head and it works."

He was impressed. She was gonna be one hell of a powerful witch, once she got full control over her abilities. Some people who had been witches for years couldn't even attempt non-verbal spells. Her mother had taught her well. He definitely needed to try and stay on her good side from now on.

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