Chapter 44

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"We'll be alright
We'll be a fine line."

"Scales? Like a fish?"

"No, more like a reptile. Your claws have this liquid that paralyses people... and you have a tail," Jade replied. They had finally found Jackson. He was now being held in a prison transport van because- well, what else were they meant to do? Max had left to go to school as he had said something along the lines of 'I actually kinda need an education to become a psychologist.' Stiles was outside probably trying to find service on his phone. So, unlucky for her, she'd got the job of looking after Jackson.

"I have a tail?"

"Yeah you have a tail," Jade snickered.

"Does it do anything?"

"Nope, not that we're aware of."

"Do you think I could use it to strangle you?"

"Stop with the violence, Jackass. Alright. The night of the semi-final game. What did you do right after?"

"I went home. And before you ask, yes I'm sure."

"Nope. You attacked me, Stiles and Derek at the school and trapped us in the pool. You also gave me a burn all the way up my arm," she said. She pulled up her sleeve to show the strip of burnt flesh that was still there. He winced at the sight of it. She hadn't healed it because- well, effort. "Thanks for that by the way. You also tried to kill Danny last night. Why, we don't know. That's what Scott's out trying to figure out."

"Hm. Maybe he should be trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosocute your asses all the way to jail!" he hissed.

Jade sat forward, slightly panicked. "No! Don't do that! I have a dog who needs me! I also can't afford a lawyer. And I've always been nice to you!"

Jackson scoffed. Many, many memories began to flood back of times Jade was 'nice.' "Oh yeah? Were you nice when you convinced me to touch an electric fence when we were younger? Or how about when you pierced my ear with a paperclip!"

"Hey! Half of those weren't my fault!" she hissed. That was kind of a lie, but kind of not. In her defence, she was only nine when he touched the fence and she couldn't read the sign. The paper clip thing was just funny.

Allison ran into the van, slamming the doors closed behind her. The vehicle started to move as they all cast glances at each other. "They know."


Jade fell out of the car, landing on the forest floor. She must have fell asleep when waiting for Stiles and her brother to come back from the library. She'd resulted to sitting in her car in the preserve rather than third wheeling with Scott and Allison. Someone had opened the door that she had been leaning on and she tumbled out. Those endless nights of sleep obviously hadn't worked out in her favour.

"Sorry! But you might wanna come see this," Max said, helping her to her feet. As they made their way over, the others also made an appearance beside them. They all stood in shock, just staring at the van.

The empty van.

The empty van that was meant to be holding Jackson- the kanima who was killing people.

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