Chapter 51

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                                "Uh oh.
                             Back again."

The group of teenagers nervously ran back to the stands. They'd just stopped Gerard from murdering Isaac in the locker room. It was the end of the game and Jackson was about to kill someone in a matter of seconds. They watched in horror as out came his claws and his eyes started to flicker yellow. The crowd erupted into cheers as the buzzer sounded.

The lights on the field went out, plunging them into semi-darkness. People started screaming and there was thuds of feet running in every direction.

"Scott? Max? Jade? Where are you?" Melissa yelled, searching around blindly in the darkness for them. Oh god, what if something had happened to them? What if that person on the field was her son, or her nephew, or her niece? She'd never be able to forgive herself. Liz and Sean had given her the responsibility of looking after their children, they'd obviously trusted her and she couldn't even-

"Mom, mom? Are you okay?" Scott bumped into her, grabbing onto her hand. The woman was distraught, her eyes moving around frantically.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. But somebody's hurt,
somebody's on in the field," she exclaimed, grabbing onto the three teens in an effort to not lose them as they fought their way through the crowds.

"Get out of the way! Move! Back off!" Coach pushed his way through the small group of lacrosse players that had surrounded whoever was on the floor. The lights had turned back on as the McCalls and Pierces ran over. "Can we get a medic over here?"

Melissa rushed to the ground, placing her head to Jackson's chest to see if he was okay. "He's not breathing. No pulse. Nothing," she pulled up his lacrosse jersey to see what appeared to be puncture- or claw- marks on his stomach.

Lydia rushed over next to them, spilling out questions and concerns. She grabbed Jade's hand, looking for some sort of comfort. He was going to die. This was it. Jackson Whittemore was going to die.

"Look. He did it to himself," Isaac whispered, nudging the others to get their attention. Jackson's claws were dripping in blood. Why had he done it to himself, was the more important question. It couldn't be a coincidence.

"Get down here," Melissa commanded, looking up to Lydia. She didn't move, her eyes trained on her ex-boyfriend. She was probably in shock, but if she didn't do anything, he was going to die. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up."

Max fell to his knees, doing as the nurse had instructed. He glanced up when Noah came running over, examining the scene in front of him.

It was kind of like something out of a horror film. The sheriff looked around all the players, not spotting the one he was most worried about. "Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" he muttered, still scanning the field. "Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles, where's my son?" he was shouting now.

Max's eyes were wide as he looked between his sister and his cousin. He felt an overwhelming feeling of dread go through his body. This was bad. This was very bad.


"We'll find him. I promise," Jade said, nodding her head in reassurance as Noah left the locker room. The fact was, she wasn't sure how they were going to find Stiles. Her locater spell wouldn't work; she'd tried it to the point where she couldn't take the stinging in her hand any longer. Whatever was happening to him, she was sure it wasn't good. She'd done a spell to reduce Max's pain as someone was getting electrocuted. Someone he had an empath connection with. And who did he have an empath connection with that just went missing? Yep. Stiles.

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