Chapter 26: Nature Strikes Back

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After a quick look around Ion City, I joined the others in the control room.

"Eighty-one cups of smoothies on the wall, eighty-one cups of smoothies on the wall, you knock one down, turn em around, eighty-one cups of smoothies on the wall." Max's singing was beginning to annoy me.

Steven hadn't arrived yet and Crystal called, saying that she was going to visit her friends on Earth first. At any rate, Max reached seventy-five before I finally snapped. I took out my Keyblade and pointed it at his seat. It turned into a mound of earth that enveloped his whole body, leaving only his head free.

"Wha—" Max looked down. "Danny, what was that for?!"

"Your dreadful singing!" I retorted.

Max opened his mouth and looked ready to fight, but he simply closed his mouth and took a deep breath. "Just get me out of this thing! I'll stop!"

Crystal arrived as soon as I got him out. "About time." Max grumbled, dusting off the remaining soil on his shirt.

"Yeah, Max started his countdown of doom two minutes ago." Johnny said. "And if not for Danny, he would be singing it until now."

Crystal smirked. "Too bad I missed it. Well, let's get going."

"What? Where?" I asked. "What about Steven?"

"We're going to Neverland. And as for Steven, he's already waiting for us there." Crystal replied, checking her com-link. "Looks like we're running a bit late. Let's take the fast way, shall we?" she stomped her foot and floor portals appeared beneath us.

"No!" Max shouted, but it was too late. We fell through the floor into darkness.


We landed hard on a sandy surface. Opening my eyes, I found that we were on the beach. As I inhaled the salty smell of seawater, something fell on top of me, making me collapse.


"Get used to it." Max grumbled. "I've been used as a landing pad since the first time we used floor portals."

Once we had brushed the sand off our clothes, Steven and Crystal came out of the trees. "All right, D.T.C. You're probably wondering about our task here, right?" Steven said.

"Yeah, and I'm hoping we don't have to face another lovesick Joker like back in Andros." Max grumbled.

After the amethyst, we had located the aquamarine in the Winx Club Realm. Creepy, I know. The last time I was there was four years ago, when Steven's invention went horribly wrong.

"I checked out some of our old files. Do you remember the moonstone Tinkerbell used in a movie of hers?"

"I think. But didn't Fairy Mary say that they only had one?" Lazlo pointed out.

"Yes, well, um..." Crystal scratched the back of her neck.

"What?" Hailow asked.

"One of the fairy scouts found another one last year. Queen Clarion entrusted it to me."

"Great! You have it then?" I asked, kicking a nearby log out of the way.

"Uh, no. This particular moonstone was pretty special, so I hid it somewhere to make sure guys like Hook can't find it."

"Where did you hide it then?" Max asked.

"I don't know."

"Impossible. How can you forget something like that?" he retorted.

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