Inviting The Virgin (12)

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And I thought that I was the one that had been drinking too much but Zack didn’t say that Wayne drove Mimi home as well. I clearly remembered him saying us but he didn’t clarify if it Mimi was in the car at all. I had been drunk off my tree so much that I couldn’t even recall if I had seem someone that night.

            I promise myself that I will never get that drunk ever again.

            “I got a drive home here,” I told Mimi hoping that she wouldn’t put the pieces together.

            Her and Zack already didn’t get along and if I told her about the kissing it would get worse. Although her opinion wasn’t valued too greatly she was my only friend here and I couldn’t lose anyone, not here, not on Stella Island.

            “Who drove you here?” Curiosity was to be expected .

            “It's a little fuzzy,” I lied.

            Now I was lying about my memory.

            “So my car would be still at the bar? If we need to get anywhere today we need someone to drive us to the bar,” I was thinking out loud.

            All this time until now it hadn’t occurred to be that my car wasn’t parked outside of this building. Even though I was intoxicated beyond belief at least I was smart enough not to try to drive in the first place. I slumped my shoulders, my forehead resting on the table.

            It was almost smoother when it was against Zack’s skin.

            Yesterday, I woke up in my own bed and was very skeptical; today started out like shit and I had almost no hope in it getting any better.

            “My keys,” I uttered while tapping my pockets trying to find out where they could be.

            Mimi laughed at my actions but there was an angry look on my face, it was apparently funny but me leaving my vehicle at a bar with no way of getting there was no justification by any means and there should be no laughter.

            “How did you get home?” I asked her but she looked away, not saying anything, refusing to answer my question or looking at me.

            “Okay than.” Awkwardly I rose, this time Mimi rose following me which made me more worried.

 “Where are we going?” Mimi asked still following faithfully behind me while I led her towards the room I had found Zack in.

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