Chapter 19

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Taehyung is busy with his meeting today. He needed to come early to the company and now he is in the middle of a very boring meeting. This is the first time he felt the meeting is boring. The employees attending meeting with their ceo are confused seeing the ceo with no attention for the first time.
That's all do you have any suggestion mr. Kim?... Mr. Kim...? The employee who do the presentation asked Tae but didn't get any response.

Its okay we can discuss it later. Meeting is over. Namjoon immediately said instead of the ceo. Everyone bowed and take their leave from there.

Tae..? TAE!?.. Namjoon shouted which shocked the ceo. Tae look around and see no one.

Hyung why are you shouting? Is the meeting end? Tae asked confusingly. Namjoon sighed at the question and nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

Hyung I am busy today, and I needed a help from you. Ask hyungs to come over to my house this sunday. You can inform me the time and everything later. I have no time to meet everyone. We needed to discuss something. Tae said to the elder and elder nodded but don't ask anything. And hyung I got some informations and evidences that we needed about the finance matters. We can discuss it later this day. Tae then make his way to his office.
Tae heard a knock on his office door and said a faint come in. He is really exhausted and don't want to do more jobs at that time. He looked towards the opened door amd find Miss. Song there.

Mr. Kim do you need anything? You seemed very tired. Do you want me to give a massage? Song Ji Woo seductively asked Tae. Tae rolled his eyes and disgusted at the question.

Miss Song I think you applied for a front officer post. I don't know it has these kind of services available. Taehyung replied coldly and clenched his jaw seeing the unfazed Song Ji Woo in front of him.

Ohh come on Mr. Kim no one gonna know anything. Song Ji Woo walked towards Tae but stopped in the middle when she saw the death glare of the ceo. Okay, but you can call me anytime I am available for you 24/7. The girl seductively bite her lips and left there. But didn't failed to text the man who asked her to do so.
Tae is angry but he can't fire her without getting the information about the man behind her. He called Rosé and inform her about the girl and said her to watch the girl.

Its 9.30 the ceo is still working and got a call from his favorite person.

'hubbyy where are you? Come home soon.... I am missing you. That's the first thing he heard as soon as he take the call.

'I'll be back soon baby.. And I missed you too.. Tae chuckled and closed his laptop and get ready to leave. Hey bun where is Hannie? Is he sleep already?

' hyung check the time its 9.30 how can he still up? Jungkook said in a fake serious tone.

'don't pout bun.. I am not there to kiss that pout off' Tae smirked imagining the expression of the younger.

'eww its cringing' Tae laughed out loud.

'but you are blushing darling' Tae chuckled.

'aishh come back soon' the younger hang up the phone. Tae smiled like an idiot and walk towards the car.
Tae reached home, and opened the door seeing a petite figure sleeping on the couch. A smile formed in his lips. He see dinner on the table and decided to wake up the younger.
Hey bun.. Wake up.. Tae called very softly. Jungkook wake up from his sleep and smiled at his husband. They ate dinner and now cuddling on the bed.



I am thinking of doing my rest of the studies from home. Almost the classes are end, its exam in next month. I don't want to go to college. And I already finished my all assignments and projects.  Jungkook said.

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