~Chapter 63

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Stumbling down the spiral stairs I inhaled a sharp breath, looking around. Shutting my eyes tight I strolled out of my house, slipping into my slick black Audi car and twisting the key, the mighty engine roaring to life.

I drove smoothly through the bustling streets of New York City, cautious of every road sign. I was In a good mood today so I hoped all the road users would appreciate it and stop honking like starved maniacs.
Grumbling under my breath I parked, slipping out and coming face to face with the hospital building I had gotten so used to for the past 7 months.

I stumbled in, sending a curt nod to all the nurses who dared to give me sexy glances. My tesoro would have one or two things to say when I tell her. I could already hear her arguing with the staff I had hired especially for her.

She'd been here for 7 months now. She died, she'd left me, she'd left this world but she came back to me. I thought I'd lost her, after balling my eyes out we took her to the hospital expecting her to be pronounced dead but they found a pulse. I'd never been happier in my life. She was put into a medically induced coma to help her wounds heal. The first few months I'd visit I couldn't stand the sight; she looked so skinny and pale but  compared to now she had significantly improved. Her skin had gotten their rich chocolate glow back, her big brown eyes had turned warm once again but I could still see emptiness inside of them. She looked healthier and I couldn't be more grateful. Once the doctor informed me she would be waking up 5 months ago I decided to donate to as many charities as I could, I would give my wealth away just to prove my gratitude.

She had been walking for a month now but she still needed to be looked after. I made it my duty to be the first thing she laid eyes on when she woke up and I was glad to fulfill it. The joy I saw in her eyes as she cried into my chest, her little hands bunched my shirt into her fists, her tears staining my pristine shirt but I wouldn't have it any other way. Her hospital ward had become my second home, I'd come early in the morning before work to give he as many kisses as she wanted, after work I'd end up here to cuddle in the bed and watch her sappy romance movies. I hated it, but she was in my arms as long as she would be with me I'd sit through anything for her.

I pushed her ward door open and her big brown eyes full of anger and fire immediately softened when they landed on me. She pouted, gesturing me forward as the nurses just stood staring at the exchange. I walked in, dropping the treats I secretly stole from mother on the foot of the bed and kneeling in front of her to come to her eye level. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I wound mine around her waist, inhaling her sweet scent I sighed, satisfaction washing over me as my muscles finally relaxed. I held onto the nape of her neck, pulling her face away from my neck. I ran my hands through her curls, twirling the end of one strand around my long slender finger. I brought a hand to her chin, forcing her face to meet my gaze. I placed my lips against hers, sucking on her bottom lip sensually, pulling them between my teeth as I bit down, a moan leaving her lips. My baby, so responsive. It had been so long since I tasted her, she was like my salvation, my drug, all mine. I let my tongue glide across her lips, parting them with ease. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, letting it taste every crevice and inch of her. She tasted so fucking good it should be illegal. She slipped her hands into my hair and I tightened my possessive hands around her waist going to squeeze her hips. She arched her back into me, her round full twins pressing against my chest through the thin layer of her hospital gown. Fuck. Junior was getting harder by the second.

I stroked her tongue with mine, proceeding to scale my tongue across her bottom lip before pulling away. I watched her flushed cheeks turn beet red as she looked doe eyed at the nurses who for some reason were still in the ward. I sent a glare their way and they scurried out, leaving us alone. Just how I liked it. If they hadn't left I would have fired all of them. Respectfully.

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