~Chapter 47

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"Sure sir, I'll call you later" Ray said, cutting the call. I dropped the phone, deflating into my seat. I sighed deeply, fatigue overcoming my sense of work at such a late hour, deciding to put it to rest and continue tomorrow I rose from my seat, packing up my papers and filling them properly.

Silent footsteps padding down my hallway brought me out of my fixated state. I shot my head up, silently listening for the sound again, but it only faded with each passing second. The hairs at the back of my neck stood. What if it was a kidnapper or a robber who'd thought it was a fun night to intrude the Black mansion.

Walking out of my office quietly I made my way through the hallways, careful to look both sides as I headed to where I heard light noises. I arrived down the stairs and stopped, all the blood in my face running cold at the sight. My tensed up muscles relaxed as I watched my tesoro. She was curled up in a ball, her knees held closely to her chest, her head buried into her knees as her shoulders shook violently with each sob that raked through her body. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. She was in one of my black shirts, it was two sizes too big, she also had fluffy socks on and little tights under, I tried not to find the situation cute. She just sat there beside one of the couches, on the floor, trying her best to be non existent and make as little noise as possible.

I made quiet steps towards her, the sound of her sobs making my heart squeeze as I approached her. I knelt down in front of her, watching her silently cry her eyes out. I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled her hands away, they were wrapped tightly around her legs and it made my insides turn the more as I took in her disarrayed form. She sniffles, her head rising and my heart clenched to see her pale,tired test stained face, her flushed cheeks, her red nose and eyelashes damp with more unshed tears.

I cupped her face, softly wiping at her under eyes with the pad of my thumbs. She didn't react, probably too worn out from all the crying her eye bags revealed she had been doing. She sniffled again, more tears falling freely onto my fingers. I couldn't stand the sight. My love in tears broke my heart all over again. If I just found out who was making her cry I'd make them pay. Without thinking twice I pulled her into my lap, holding onto her small frame.

I hoisted her up in my arm, settling on a nearby couch where I held onto her, allowing both her legs to drape down my left side while I tugged her even closer to my body, hoping I was able to provide a little comfort for my tesoro.
"Love please tell me what's wrong?" I whispered, rubbing calming circles on her back in an attempt to calm her enough to talk to me. "I promise I'll help as much as I can tesoro, so please tell me. Seeing you like this is killing me and I can't do a fucking thing about it".

She continued to cry as she kept mumbling something to herself. I kept quiet, trying to listen to what she was mumbling. "H-he's coming" she mumbled, shaking her head as more tears dribbled down her cheeks. "H-he's going to come back a-and take me back. I don't wanna go Damon please don't let him take me" she pleaded, holding tightly onto my collar, her voice breaking, her once warm brown eyes now full with sorrow and heart wrenching anguish it had me taken aback for a second. The amount of pain and fear I could see in her eyes broke me to the point I almost cried too. I didn't know who she was referring to as 'he' but if it troubled her this much then it must be important. Whether I knew or not I was going to make sure I'd protect her from whoever this 'he' was.

"I promise love, as long as I'm alive and breathing I won't let him come for you. I won't let him take you. You belong here with me and I will fight to my very last breath to keep you safe and here in my arms'' I spoke into her hair, listening to her racing heart. My arms tightened around her at the thought of this man coming to take my tesoro away from me. "Don't worry love I'm here for you" I whispered, running my hands through her hair to further soothe her. Her sobs audibly died down, only quiet sniffles erupted from her as we stayed there, in that position, neither of us willing to move. I was satisfied there, with my love in my arms, where I'd protect her till my last dying breath. I'd make sure nothing ever happens to her. I promise.

Whispering more calming words to her I hushed down when I heard cute subtle snores coming from beneath me. I looked down in my arms to see my love, nestled close to me, fisting my shirt tightly in her little fists. Her eyes were lightly shut, her hair a mess. I smiled adoringly at her, despite how tired she looked she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. She was mine, my tesoro and I'd protect her forever.

Gathering her in my arms I walked up to my room and laid her down on my bed. I was about walking out when a small hold tugged me back to her. She laid there, eyes tightly shut, her brows were knitted together in angst, she held onto my wrist, silently begging me not to leave her side. And if my love wanted me beside her then that's where I'd be. I laid down beside her, careful not to make any sudden movements and disturb her much needed slumber. Once I laid down beside her she cuddled up to me, throwing a hand to pull her in closer to my chest, her head resting softly on my chest. It took me a few seconds but when I came out of my shock I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me further than she already was.

She snuggled closer to the crook of my neck and let out a deep breath of satisfaction, it made a smile twist at my lips that she found my scent comforting. I stroked her sides, wishing upon whatever higher being there was that she would always remain here with me. I'd wake up to this face first thing in the morning and sleep with it in my arms after a tired day. I just couldn't lose her, if there was someone out there who threatened her safety I had to find out who, why and where this person is currently. I'd make it my mission.

Being His {Mine}~ POSESSIVE SERIES BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now