~Chapter 13

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T. P

Jasmine stood beside Damon and watched as men and women strolled into the conference room.

All the men ogling and gawking over her.
Most stopped to stare before walking to their seats behind the large table.

Damon had a hard time controlling the amount of rage that filled his veins.
His jaw tightens as he watched all his share holders stare shamelessly at Jasmine.
He wanted nothing more than to snap their necks like twigs and stop them from looking at what was his.

"See you got yourself some new eye candy Damon, I have to say your taste this time is so....
Exquisite... "
He watched Jace's eyes hugrily rake Jasmine up and down like she was a piece of cake he wanted to devour right now.

A loud bang echoed through the conference room, causing Jasmine to jump and the rest to snap their heads to the source.

She watched wide eyed as Damon had his hands fisted on the table and he stared dangerously at his associates, his eyes wide and dark.

If eyes could kill then they all would already be 12ft under.
The vein on his head was popping with rage as his jaw tightened.
The look on everyone's face was that of fear and anguish, all except one, Jace.

He just stared at Damon.
He seemed to enjoy his outburst a little too much.

"If you rather spend your time eyeing up my assistant that doing what you came here for, I'll fire all your good for nothing asses right out of this company and I'll make sure you don't get a job in this city!
Have I made myself clear!!"
His voice sent shivers down Jasmine's spine as everyone looked utterly petrified, all except Jace of course.

He looked like he was enjoying this.
Something about Jace made Jasmine uneasy, not only his aura but the look on his face spelt trouble and mischief.

Everyone quieted down as Damon took his seat, watching everyone intently incase they dared to stare at Jasmine.
He wouldn't hesitate before gouging their fucking eyes out...

The rest of the meeting went awkwardly, with everyone at the edge of their seats, trying their best not to anger Damon while Jace kept making remarks to anger Damon all the more.
Something Jasmine found strange.
Did he really like Damon angry?
And why was Damon reacting that way?
She could easily defend herself against these promiscuous men.
Damon didn't need to do well....anything.

She looked away from her notes and locked eyes with a pair of ocean blue orbs, staring back at her with a level of intensity that made her avert her gaze immediately.
Those eyes held a hint of mischief as she watched him smirk and eye her up.
She felt tense under his gaze and felt the pen in her hands become ever so heavy.
Something about the way he looked at her made her.... Scared..

Jasmine almost lost her balance as Damon got up sharply from his seat, the force at which he stood pushing his seat back. He put his hand on the small of her back, securing her closely beside him.
He walked out of the conference room with long strides, making it hard for Jasmine to keep up.
She felt the heat creep into her cheeks as everyone stared wide eyed at both of them as they exited the conference room.

Damon walked over to his table and sat down, his head in his hands he ran his hands down his face like he was stressed.
Jasmine just stood there in front of his desk, watching him.
She still felt the tingles from where he had held unto her.

She stood there for a while, neither of them saying anything, just swimming in the cold embrace of awkward silence.

"Who was that?"
Jasmine finally broke the nerve wrecking silence, hoping for Damon to get the idea and continue the conversation.

He sighed, understanding what Jasmine meant. "Hopefully you won't be seeing him around"

"He's already left boss, but he promised to drop by"

Raymond walked in with a serious look on his face, which immediately became softer once his eyes landed on Jasmine.

He walks to stand beside Jasmine as he offers a charming smile, which doesn't go unnoticed by Damon.
Jasmine politely smiles back before they return their gaze to Damon.

"Jasmine you can retire to your office.
I will call if I need you"

Jasmine nodded and walked away.
Her movements earning the attention from both men as she exited.

Hope you liked this update!!
Lemme know your thoughts in the comments!!!

Lots of love nuelllites❤!
Keep being awesome and love the support

Special shoutout to those who take time to vote and comment🥺love y'all ❤

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