~Chapter 7

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So that interview was an absolute train wreck.

I was practically melting into Mr Black's embrace.
I'm so pathetic.
I groaned having flashbacks of the interview, most of my reactions making me cringe.

Was I really that desperate for a job?
Is that seriously the reason why I was practically drooling over the Damon Black?
I didn't know how I particularly felt about getting cozy with my boss, something about him just threw me off balance.

Ignoring how horribly the interview went, I was actually looking forward to our dinner. I didn't know why but I felt like I needed to see him again, I must be running crazy or something.
His emerald green eyes played in my mind, the idea of seeing him again making goosebumps rise on my olive skin.

Deciding it would be better to just wait for the call from his secretary, I went ahead to read through the documents he gave me.
Making sure I read everything over twice to make sure there were no faults of any kind.
My eyes darted to a line that made my light brows furrow in confusion

In case of any inconvenience on the assistant's part, concerning transportation issues, living arrangements and so on that affects his or her work, or if the boss decides it would be more convenient, he or she is obliged to change living arrangements and be hosted by THE BOSS.

I gulped down harshly, rereading the sentence over and over again, unsure if I had seen well.
My eyes darted to another statement saying if The boss aka Damian was to move, I would have to move with him!?

Was this a sick joke or something!!
There is no way Damon expects me to agree to this!
Living with Damon?!
I began to imagine it, but I shook my head, dismissing the idea immediately.

I made sure to leave book marks on each page in the document where those statements were, making a mental note to bring them up with him during the dinner.

I hadn't even picked out anything to wear!
I doubt I had anything nice enough.

A familiar ring tone brought me out of my thoughts. My eyes darted to my ringing phone vibrating on my kitchen island

I held the phone to my ear, leaning down on the island, having my hands to support my weight.

A deep voice called from the other end of the phone. My breath hitched in my wind pipe when I realised whose voice that belonged to.
It had been so long...

"Uncle Thomas?" My voice came out in an unsure whisper, scared I would be right with my assumption

"We need to talk"
The seriousness in his tone making my heart palipate in my chest, goosebumps rising on my olive skin.

He was never this serious
He never called out of the blue
Had something happened?
Was it about.......Him?

Couldn't resist🥺
Second update!!!!

Updated just for my readers!
All your support melted my heart ☺︎
I know we haven't reached 40 votes yet but I believe we will!!
I trust and love y'all so much! ♥︎
Anticipate the third update!

Would love to know whose POV you would like me to do more
Jasmine's or Damian's!!
I prefer doing Damian's tho
Would love your input💕

Thanks for being awesome!
Have a nice evening
Hope this update calmed your anxiety but the cliff hanger there😅heheheee😉

Love y'all 💕
And please keep the support coming🥺

Love you my awesome fans☺︎❤

Being His {Mine}~ POSESSIVE SERIES BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now