~Chapter 52

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Running my hands on the smooth covers I smiled to myself as I waited patiently for Damon to come out of the bathroom. He'd told me to wait for him after his workout session so we could go get something to eat. I was ecstatic to finally leave the house after so long and I really had a strange liking for take out food, especially the unhealthy ones.

My cheeks still burnt in remembrance of how hot and sexy he looked while working out. I stole glances at him from the position he'd dropped me, the way his back muscles tensed and stretched as he threw punches at the punching bag continuously, sweat trickling down his forehead from his hair that had stringed into tiny strands due to the amount of sweat his pores had produced. I watched the way his body glistened under the light rays bouncing off his sweat clad torso. I found it interesting how he'd exercise without a shirt on, but I wasn't complaining, I loved the view. His body was really a work of art, something only possessed by the Greek gods themselves, a body so magnificent only the sight made me swallow harshly at how devilishly alluring he was. It was such a sweet torment to my eyes, my hands itched with the craving to run them down his beautiful tanned skin, feeling his tight muscles against my palms. Appreciating their sinful beauty.

He stopped abruptly, turning to me and throwing me a wink. My cheeks flushed on the realisation he'd caught me staring, I pressed my lips together, avoiding his gaze. He stalked towards me, stopping before me he pulled me into him, my hands landing on his moist chest and I squealed, "Ewww, you're sweaty" I whined, feigning a gagg and he chuckled, shaking his wet hair in my face making me giggle, trying to push him away. Beads of sweet sprinkling onto my face

"You like me sweaty" he teased, flexing his chest muscles making my face flushed more as I stared at their movements. "Come on kiss me" he drawled, bringing his lips closer, pucurring them up, ready to kiss me and I squealed, slipping out of his hands and making a beeline for the double doors, running away giggling once I came through.

I turned to see him running after me, determination and excitement flashing in his eyes, a sinister smile curving up his lips. I screamed, flying up the stairs and running the full length. I pushed open any door I could find and held it closed, placing my ear against it. I heard his footsteps padding down the hallway and I sighed in relief, I was safe. I turned around to see I was in the laundry, I walked further in, admiring the carefully folded clothes, the washing machines and the dryers that were placed so strategically.

I jerked when I heard the door fly open. Turning sharply, I stared wide eyed at Damon as he strolled in, a malicious smirk marrying his face. His eyes darted from my face down my body. He covered the distance, pulling me into his chest as I squealed, swatting his pouty lips away, "ewwww, don't!" I giggled, pushing him off my only to lose my balance and fall flat on my back, blinking a few times to make sure this was actually happening.

Damon jumped on me, pinning both my wrists above me head, using his other hands to trace a loose strand of hair that clung to my sweat clad forehead. He looked at my face like I was the most beautiful little thing he'd ever seen, his pupils were dilating in admiration, the more he stared down at me and my cheeks didn't fail in exposing my embarrassment. He lent down slowly, his eyes darting to my lips that I had pressed together. He trailed his tongue over them, making me release it from their hold before he connected our lips, moving his slowly against mine, waiting for me as I joined in a few seconds behind. His free hand that wasn't holding my wrists trailed down to my exposed belly, where my shirt had risen from our tussle. He slowly drew circles with his thumb making me hum into our kiss, appreciating his touch. He used his knuckles to caress from the length of my stomach down and I gasped, feeling the electricity running down my spine.

"If you weren't wearing these shorts right now" he whispered into my ear, tracing his hands along the waist of my denim shorts, slightly tugging on it. "Heaven knows" he swore, his eyes darkening to the dark green hue I always got lost in. I stared deeply into his eyes, my cheeks flushing, the blush covering my ears. My blush increased when my stomach growled, ruining the steamy moment. His eyes brightened with amusement

"I'm hungry" I whispered, not able to look away from his eyes but feeling the tension in his gaze.

"Famished" he said, his eyes traveling down the length of my body and coming back up to my eyes. I couldn't look away, the depths of his eyes held a passion so deep, a desire so devouring it left me bewildered. I swallowed thickly, understanding very well we weren't talking about the same thing.  He chuckled, shaking his head and smiling down at me, he released my hand and got to his feet. Helping me up he pulled me into him again, placing kisses all over my face eliciting a fit of giggles erupting from me.

"Come on, we'll go out for takeaway after I take a shower" I beamed up at him, smiling from ear to ear as he flicked my nose.

A click sounded and I whipped my head to the direction of the sound. I immediately regretted it when my eyes landed on Damon, he was in nothing but a towel. It hung lazily around his waist almost falling off, my wide eyes darted to his face. His dark curls clung to his forehead, tiny water droplets falling from them and landing at his feet. He had a towel draped around his neck and a smile framed his face when his eyes met mine.
I stood, walking over to where he was and taking the towel from his neck. I used it to dry out his hair as he wrapped a hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him and I giggled as little droplets spilled onto my face from my ruffling his hair.

🏾~hope you liked this chapter

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