~ Chapter 39

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I padded down the stairs, grumbling under my breath as my lower abodomen ached.
I had found out why my hormones were acting up, I was on my period. I hated those things and it didn't help that I got them every month, but this one was a real piece of work.

I walked into the elevator, ignoring the dull ache at my lower abdomen. I wasn't going to let it stop Darcy and I from having a nice girl's day out.
I popped a few bars of chocolate into my mouth on my way down. I found the sweet burst of flavour in my mouth calming. The elevator doors slid open and I began my journey through Darcy's suite. I crossed her living room and stopped when I spotted Ray, Richelle and Damon sitted there, perched on the side of her couch. They were speaking in hushed tones and I couldn't help but let my curiousity get the better of me. I sneaked around and stood with my back against the cobalt blue pillar that was situated just a few feet away from where Damon, Richelle and Ray were.
"How's it going?" Damon asked scanning a pile of documents in his hands.

"It's going great sir" Richelle began handing him another file. "Once every lawyer heard that he'd be going up against the most impressive team of attorney's in the city then backed out. Especially when it's head on with the best of the best" she spoke proudly, pumping her chest out and dusting off invisibly dust from her shoulders.

"The court hearing is in a few days" Ray chimmed in. "And I can assure you that he wouldn't be able to get himself together enough to come to the hearing talk less of getting himself a replacement lawyer" he scoffed a wide grin appearing on his face. "His business is already suffering huge losses and everyone of his investors are pulling out at a rapid rate. He will he too distracted to plan any moves" he leaned back, crossing his hands behind his head. "We got this in the bag"


Damon began, but the sound of Darcy walking in interrupted him mid sentence. I sighed and stepped out of my place behind the pillar. Pretending I had just arrived now I put on a small smile on my face to make it extra convincing.

"Did we miss something?" I asked, looking around the see the three people exchanging glances between Darcy and I.

"Of course not" Ray lied getting up and walking over to where we stood. He hugged Darcy and pecked her cheek. "It's been a while wonder Woman. What have you been up to?" He winked at her and she pulled his nose, making him whine

"Oh nothing much," she waved him off turning to me. "You look so pretty Jess" she smiled and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as everyone turned their attention to me once again.

I didn't think much of the blue fitted sun dress I had on. I was too grumpy to really much thought into my dressing so the compliment really struck a nerve.

"Of course she looks pretty Darcy" Richelle supported, walking over to me and throwing an arm over my shoulder. "After all she is Damon's wife" she winked at me and my face turned scarlet.

My eyes went wide at the realisation. Richelle knew all along about the contract, I was stupid to think she didn't. She was the lead attorney of the Empire so of course she'd know about a transaction like this. From the corner of my eyes I could see Ray uncomfortably shift in his weight as he stared back at me. He probably didn't know until now and I felt a wave of guily wash over me. We had been so close and I didn't tell him something so important. He must be mad at me or even hurt. I gazed way, feeling horrible that I didn't make it my duty to tell him.

I elbowed Richelle in the ribs and she hissed retreating her hands from my shoulder. "You knew!" I wwhispere yelled

"Of course I knew. I had known about the idea before you did silly. Who do you think drafted the contract" she laughed awkwardly when I didn't match her playful tone. "Hey look at the bright side you have nothing to lose. I'd say it's a win win situation"

"You didn't tell Ray?" I whsipered, feeling his lingering eyes on me.

"What? oh shit" she cursed scratching the back of her head. "It was an open secret really so it wasn't my fault he didn't figure it out sooner. Besides you two really don't do a good job hiding you're" she cleared her throat "bonding sessions"

I felt all the blood rush to my cheeks and ears, making me look like a tomato. I groaned and covered my face with my palms.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me till I get bored of it" she snickered in my ear and I glared at her through my palms.

"Shall we Jess?" Darcy's voice came, cutting my embarrassment short.

I nodded and followed her out of the room. But a familiar hand stopped me by my wrist. I turned to find Damon was holding onto my hand.

"Tesoro, I need you to please watch over my mother. She can get a little…" he pursed his lips thinking of the right words and I just gaped at him.

"A little wild, I know. Don't worry she'll be fine. I'll take care of her" I assured giving him a small smile as I walked off to meet Darcy in the elevator, feeling a pair of eyes on me as I did.

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