The Grand Finale

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Maxx's POV

It started with a bang on the door, I was slightly nervous as I was home alone, and it was almost 10.30 at night, it's a weird time to be knocking at a door this late into the evening, especially seen as I wasn't expecting anyone.

Slowly getting up, I walked towards the door. Glaring through the eye hold in my door, I saw nothing... nobody was there... odd, I swear I could have heard something or someone.

So I sat back down on the sofa, eating my spaghetti that I've recently just made.

Whilst I was peacefully eating, there was another knock, expect it now sounded closer than the door...more like the window. Looking up at my window, I quickly scanned the frames and glass. That was when I could have screamed. Something undead yet living was banging at my windows... zombies...

Throughout my whole life I got told they were just a myth like unicorns or aliens, but I'm actually staring right at one... what the hell do I do...

I decided to just run, there was more knocking at the windows, so I ran out the back door trying to look for some form of shelter... wait that's it we need to wait until dawn... the sunrise has never seemed so sweet until now.

As I was running through town I felt the final ocean breeze almost like it's giving us a warning or a breeze of luck... we all need luck at this moment of time... I need to find someone to know if they are safe.

I slowed down with running as I hit a quiet part of town, just shouting out for Cody or Zach, they got to be here somewhere.

But as I shouted out for Zach, the ground began to shake. I started to run again, the hills were crashing down. I felt my phone ringing, but I couldn't answer it now I was running to save myself. As I felt my phone I also felt some dollar bills fly out my pockets, but right now cash means nothing as everything starts to fall and crumble down.

I just really need to quickly find shelter to try and call the boys to see where they are.

Sneaking into an old barn, a girl jumped out at me screaming. She was in her 20s, had dark brown hair and green eyes. Jumping I look at her, "Don't worry... I'm safe... My name is Maxx... I'm just looking for shelter... Please let me in..." I mumbled enough for her to hear.

She looked me up and down ,probably to check if I was so-called normal. As she finished her check she nodded pointing to a cushion.

Sitting down by the cushion, I looked at my phone. Great, no signal can't even phone the guys, guess I'll have to wait until we move out of this place or until I get signal.

Looking around the barn, I saw the girl sat down reading a book. Well I say reading it, more like quickly flicking through the pages. Trying to bend down slightly, I looked and saw it was a 'how to survive a zombie apocalypse 101' book... I mean great, at least we got a few tips and tricks, it's not like we are the first humans to be experiencing one.

Whilst being mid thought, she slammed her book, this made me jump out of my skin. She was lightly groaning at herself, "There's nothing in this book. Why is there nothing on how to save us! That was a waste of 7 dollars. I'll just accept my fate and do nothing." She mutters to herself putting her book down, just sitting down by the cushions.

Briefly I looked at her saying "Well those aren't really books... I mean we are the only humans to actually experience zombies and well that author probably hasn't unless he's some sort of time traveler which to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if there were time travelers now."

She rolls her eyes at me looking out the window, "I could just run out of town. Would be better running than to stay in this creepy old barn."

Trying not to take any offence that she wants to leave me in a creepy barn by myself, I sighed "We just got to stay where we are... we are in danger and death awaits us if we go outside, so I would stay here if I was you... I mean, we only got 10 hours until daylight... we just need to make time go quicker and stay alive..."

As soon as I finished my sentence there were sirens loudly screaming, I didn't even know our small town had sirens. It was just a whooping noise no words, just a sound we were meant to know, yet I have never known about it until now. Maybe this was all a plan? To unleash these beasts to see how humans will last, if they would fight back or hide... if it was all a project it is messed up, and I wouldn't like to be the one in control of this mess.

I heard a few shuffles, but I didn't really take notice as I was in my own head just looking out at the window. But then I felt a tap at my arm, it was the girl, she looked a bit worried as she pointed behind her.

Slowly taking a look behind her there was an old man with his white hairs stuck up like a crazy scientist. He locked eyes with me slightly laughing as he said "Just sit back and enjoy the show."

Great, I'm with a crazy man.

I sighed, just looking out the window there was people running to shelter and a sort of ash falling from the sky. Turning my head, I couldn't watch that, I'm not going to enjoy it I'm terrified I want my friends and I want to know if they're okay. I don't want to worry...

This is the end... that thought just kept running through my head... it wouldn't leave... because this actually might be the end.

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