27 Fears

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I inhaled a shaky breath as I mentally prepared myself for what the doctor would say. Part of me was terrified that after the miscarriage and the fall I might not be able to have children anymore.

Swallowing, I turned to Roman as he took my hand firmly in his to get my attention. I still wasn't sure if it was a good idea to have him with me, but now that he knew everything, he, stubborn as he was, insisted on accompanying me. I only hoped that I would not disappoint him again. It was hard enough to live with the knowledge that I could not protect our baby. Deep down I felt like I was destroying his dreams.

That had been yet another reason why I would have liked to keep it from him forever. I didn't want to lose Roman. No matter what the reason may be. It had taken him and Summer all night to calm me down and convince me that my fears were unfounded.

But that didn't change the fact that we didn't know what the consequences would be. Maybe there were none... Maybe they were massive... And no promises and all the love in the world could change that. I loved this man so much and wanted to fulfill all his dreams for the future. What if I would not be able to do that anymore? 

"Everything's going to be fine, Dani. Don't freak yourself out for no reason. I love you and I promise you have no reason to worry," Roman said softly as he put his index finger under my chin so I had to look at him.

I blinked away the tears as I tried to embrace his positive attitude. But I just didn't really manage to do it. I simply had a bad feeling.

With my eyes closed, I let all the examinations pass by me. The doctor patiently explained what he was doing and what impression he had of my physical condition. 

"All right, DJ. Overall, I can say that everything looks good. There is no reason to believe that the miscarriage could affect your ability to reproduce. Your blood work is normal. The swelling in the lower abdomen that you suffered has gone down completely. I see no reason why you should not be able to conceive again," the doctor said when he returned to the room with the results of the tests.

Until this moment I had not even noticed that I had held my breath. Only when I exhaled with relief did I notice it.

"See, baby girl? I told you!" said Roman after we had left the doctor's office and were on the way to the car.

He stood in front of me, took my hands and placed them on his shoulders before carefully pulling me closer to him by the hips. Roman place a long, lingering kiss on my forehead. Immediately I felt my tension release and I could finally relax. I leaned in to listen to his soothing, strong heartbeat. I sniffled softly as we stood there.

"I love you, Roman. You have no idea." I whispered with my face pressed against his chest.

"I love you too, Dani! And I promise you once again, that will never change. All I need from you is for you to believe me." he replied.

"I do." I replied as I lifted my head to look at him.

I gave him a smile. It felt good just to smile again. Somehow it was rarely needed in the last weeks. 

I stood on my tiptoes and reached out to my husband. Our lips met in a long kiss. We both needed that equally at that moment. We hadn't been together that long, but that didn't change the fact that we both had clear ideas about the future.


"Summer? We're back!" called Roman as we entered our house.

"How did it go?" she asked as soon as she came running.

"Everything's alright," I said.

"Of course it is! I told you so!" she replied as she hugged me tightly. Just like her brother.

"You're going to have a beautiful little baby in your arms one day, DJ. And I'll get another niece to spoil!" she added excitedly as she let me go and beamed at me.

"Excuse me? A niece? Why are you so sure about that?" Roman chimed in.

"Oh just a feeling. But anyway. I have to go to the airport. I took the liberty of preparing a little pic-nic for you. It's all in the bedroom. You deserve it. I love you and I'll see you very soon. Behave yourselves." she replied enthusiastically before hugging us both once more and then grabbing her suitcase.

"Your sister is a force of nature," I said after the door slammed shut.

"That's true. Always has been, always will be. Then let's see what she did," he replied with a deep chuckle as he took me by the hand and we went into the bedroom together.

 "Oh wow!" I gasped as we walked into the bedroom.

Summer had indeed prepared a pic-nic. In the middle of the bed and with lots of our favorite snacks and stuff. But if that wasn't enough.... She had also added tea lights and there was a fake fire crackling on the TV.

"Wow indeed. If I didn't know better, I'd say she wants us to work on her niece." said Roman standing behind me slowly rubbing my upper arms.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. But I guess it can't hurt to practice, right?" I replied as I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his middle.

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