3 Moving out

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It was time. I stared at the door while swallowing hard. What I wouldn't have given to have this behind me already. I closed my eyes briefly until one of the movers behind me cleared his throat impatiently.

"I am sorry. Alright I'll mark everything you can move out with post-its. I'll put everything else in boxes. Then you can move those too." I explained as I finally opened the door.

I pulled the pad with Post-its from my bag and began to mark my furniture. Since it was not much what I wanted to take with me, the whole thing went pretty quickly. Also with the packing of all the small things I did not make much effort. Everything that was fragile I simply wrapped in my clothes or towels.

"What's going on here?" I suddenly heard Gab's voice behind me and he didn't sound very happy.

"What's it look like, you son of a bitch? I'll get my stuff. Don't get in the way, we'll be done in an hour." I replied without looking at him as I was packing my papers and books into a box.

"But what's the point, DJ? You know this is your home. We can fix this. You just have to meet me halfway. Stay with me." he cooed as he came close to me. 

I took a step back to keep distance between us. I ignored his words and continued with my task. I had neither the energy nor the patience to talk to him. But unfortunately, he didn't take the hint and basically followed me all over the house to see what I was doing.

"DJ, please. I don't want you to move out. You know I can make you happy. All you have to do is give me more of your time. You know I'm the best thing for you. I'm even willing to forget everything you said to me." He babbled on as I went into the bedroom to continue packing.

"Give it up, Gab. You've destroyed us and there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to change my mind. Why don't you go to your side bitch and see if she has time for your pathetic babbling?" I retorted.

"You know what? Fine! Leave! Sooner or later you'll come crawling back. Because deep down you know where you belong. I brought you here and I can take everything away from you. But please make sure to keep your hands off my things. They're not your style anyway. That would require some class." he hissed when he realized I wasn't going to be talked out of my plan.

I felt how angry he was. Gab never liked it when something didn't go his way. He could not bear to hear the word no. Suddenly I wondered how I had put up with this guy for so long.

"Hey! That's mine!" he hissed as I was about to wrap one of the vases.

"You mean the vase my mom sent us for our housewarming? Yeah... Dream on." I said without emotion in my voice.

And then after an hour we were finally done and I packed the last bags into my car as the moving truck drove away with my belongings.

I went into the house one last time to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything important. When I was finished, I removed the key from my key ring and placed the key on the kitchen counter. Gabriel's piercing gaze followed my every move as I simply turned to leave this fucking house once and for all.

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