12 We have been made

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"Fucking shit." muttered Roman next to me as he parked the car and turned it off.

"We have been made, and now we are in big trouble." I replied quietly as I glanced over at him briefly and then we both got out.

"Hi sis! How's it going?" asked Roman casually, probably hoping.... I didn't know what he was hoping for.

"Don't sis me. And what are you doing here? DJ, the last I heard from you was that you had to leave the country. Not another word after that. Nothing! Until I got a call from Naomi yesterday asking if we knew about Roman's new girlfriend. Imagine my surprise when she sent me a picture of the two of them hugging tightly and I found out it was my own friend.

I want an explanation and it better be a damn good one because right now I'm assuming my brother is helping you hide from the authorities so they can't deport you. If that's the case, then you're both breaking the law and I wouldn't mind kicking your asses for your stupidity!" Summer ranted before we even had a chance to say anything.

"Would you please calm down? It's not what it looks like. And we're not doing anything illegal, I promise you. We just found a way for DJ to stay in the country. That's all. No need to freak out like that." Roman began.

"Summer, I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you, but I had no idea what to say. The situation is complicated and we didn't want to get you involved. Because honestly, we have no idea if this plan is even going to work." I quickly added.

"Oh my God! Tell me you're not serious!" she replied as she reached first for my left hand and then for Roman's.

"You made my brother marry you so you could stay in the country?" she asked, but to my surprise she sounded more confused than angry.

"Summer, it was my idea. I asked her to marry me. I wanted to help her. There was no way I wanted her motherfucker of an ex to win. And to be honest, I like DJ a lot." replied Roman quickly.

"You two actually got married?" she checked again.

"Yes, but-" was all I could say before she threw her arms around us totally unexpectedly and hugged Roman and me tightly.

Now it was me who was confused. Was Summer mad at us or not? What was that all about?

"Roman, you're a doofus sometimes, but I think that's the nicest, most selfless thing you could have done. I'm proud of you, little brother. But I'm so mad you didn't tell me! And wait until Mom finds out," she replied as she let go of us.

"I know. Promise me you won't tell her. I will do that.... eventually. We're still waiting on word from USCIS." said Roman as he closed his large hand around my so much smaller one. He looked down at me and gave me a radiant smile, which I was only too happy to return.

"I'll try my best. But maybe you should introduce DJ to Mom as your girlfriend. Then they can get to know each other. But other than that.... Do you guys have any idea what you're doing? They will ask you a lot of questions and check your story. You will need good evidence to convince the USCIS that your marriage is real. And what if they interrogate your families and friends?" Summer wanted to know anxiously.

"Oh, I don't think that will be necessary any longer. I think I've gathered more than enough facts from listening to your conversation to determine that it's just a sham marriage to get a green card." we heard a female voice say behind us.

Startled, we turned around and realized that we were not alone. A sinister looking woman in a pantsuit and a briefcase was standing in the driveway and had apparently heard our entire conversation.

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