24 By your side

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Roman POV

Dean and I watched tensely as the police set to work to find DJ. To me, it felt like my nerves were snapping and my head was about to explode. Why was this taking so long?

"We have a signal from the Apple Watch. It's at La Guardia airport, New York. " the technician suddenly said.

"To all units: Missing person has been located at LaGuardia Airport. Notify airport security immediately. Perez and I are on our way. Inform local police. Suspect is trying to get away." Gallon said into her walkie-talkie and headed to the car with the officer.

"I'm coming with you!" I said immediately and followed her.

"That's against the rules, Mr. Reigns. We'll notify you as soon as we know more," she replied.

"No goddamn it! That's my wife and I'm coming with you!" I yelled.

"All right, then. With one condition. You will stick to exactly what I say. I am not your babysitter. If you disobey my instructions I will not hesitate to arrest you. Understood?" she said.

"Understood." I grumbled and followed her.

We set off on our way. My tension grew with every mile we left behind. The only thing I could concentrate on was the radio. I was waiting to hear something new. I wanted to hear that they had found DJ, that she was safe and that she was doing well considering the circumstances. Why hadn't they arrested the guy who did this to her?

But then after 15 minutes came a radio message that made me sit up and take notice.

"Suspect spotted boarding a flight and arrested. Search for missing person continues. Tracking signal interrupted." we heard.

Hearing that made me feel sick. We had to find her. How long could she last in a trunk before she ran out of oxygen? A shiver of dread ran down my spine. Think positive, I kept telling myself.

"Search parking garages for the vehicle! The signal is probably blocked because of that. We'll be there in five minutes. Is the ambulance on the scene?" replied Detective Gallon.

"Why haven't you found her yet? She's running out of time!" I growled.

"Mr. Reigns, we are doing what we can to find your wife. You need to calm down. I can't take care of you too." she replied irritably.

"How long.... how long can she last in the trunk?" I wanted to know, and at the same time, I didn't.

"A trunk is not airtight. They say about 2 hours until you pass out. According to the time stamps, we have about 20 to 30 minutes to find her before it becomes critical. But I don't know how your wife's injuries will affect her condition," she explained.

I swallowed hard as the meaning of her words began to sink in. I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration and fear. I felt so powerless. Please God, make her be okay! I can't lose Dani. Please, save my angel. I beg you. If you hear me, give me back my wife. I sent these prayers towards heaven and hoped that God would hear my prayers. 

"To Detective Gallon. Missing woman found. I repeat, we have found the woman. Condition stable. She is confused but responsive. Paramedics and the doctor are checking her out right now." an officer said over the radio.

She was okay.... DJ was alive. A huge weight of relief fell off my shoulders when I heard that. But now I had to see her. I wanted to see how she was really doing. After all, she was hurt. Only when I saw her with my own eyes would I be reassured. 

"Mr. Reigns, you go straight to your wife in the ambulance. No detours. And you stay there until they drive her to the hospital. Is that clear?" says Gallon to me.

Apparently she knew exactly what was going through my head. I would have loved to have had the chance to wring Gabriel's neck personally. But Dani was more important. She was my life and I would not risk getting into trouble and losing her because I killed him. He would get his punishment. I just wondered if there could be a fitting punishment for such a cruel.... individual.

The car stopped right next to the waiting ambulance and I didn't waste a second to jump out. I rushed to my wife.

"Who are you?" one of the paramedics asked as I opened the door.

"I'm her husband!" I replied, climbing inside.

"Ro...man..." I heard the weak voice of Dani.

"I'm here, baby girl. It's going to be okay, you hear me? I love you." I said as I stood next to her and very, very gently took her hand in mine.

DJ looked terrible. Blood was splattered in her hair and on the side of her face. She had a black eye and all the rest of her body seemed to be black and blue as well.

"It hurts so bad, Ro.... everything hurts..." she cried.

"I know, baby girl. We'll get you fixed up. I'm with you." I assured her as I placed a feather light kiss on her forehead.

"Sir, we need to get her to the hospital now. We'll give her morphine for the ride so she'll feel as little as possible. Please be careful to touch her as little you can. She definitely has several broken ribs. And she has a large wound on her thigh that we have treated. Your wife has lost a lot of blood," the paramedic said.

"Okay, baby girl. You're going to sleep now. You're safe and I'm by your side. You just need to get better." I said to Dani, whose eyes were having trouble focusing on me. She was in a lot of pain, but I was glad she was getting help now.

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