123 - Vegetables

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*Emma glares at her plate of vegetables and sticks out her tounge*

Emma: "Don't want it."

Marinette: "Sweetie, you need to eat your dinner to become big and strong."

Emma: "Why are they green?"

Marinette: "Because they're healthy."

Emma: "That's boring. I want rainbow vegetables, like Uncle Dick!"

*Dick looks up from his bowl of sugary colorful cereal*

Dick: "Uhhhh..."

Damian: "Your uncle is not eating vegetables, he is eating a bowl of processed sugar."

Emma: "Why can't I eat a bowl of processed sugar for dinner?"

*Damian pulls out his katana*

Damian: "Because processed sugar is far too small for me to cut into shapes. Now, what shapes would you like me to cut your cucumbers and green peppers into?"

Emma: "Yay! Star and heart veggies please!"

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