Drunk ass

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After taking a few test I was released from the mental hospital. I didnt like it in there. it was cold and dark. I felt so alone.

I rarely black out. but when I do its not good. I do things I will regret. man I just hope Jc will understand.

Oh god what if he moved on. my heart would shatter. I dont know what I would do. I'm not far from my house. Just a few miles.

I run to my house within a few minutes. I unlock the door. I run up to my room and open my laptop and charge my phone.

I go on Google and I look at everything I can from the last two years. sport news, fashion, crafts, YouTube, etc.

After about a hour I close my laptop. I lay on my bed and think about how I will randomly show up. oh god they hate.

No I'm sure they will understand. I hope they will. oh god I miss Jessie and Alex. I cant do this later I have to do it now.

I get out of my bed and run down the stairs. I run out my door and to there house. I try the front door but its locked.

I go to the back door and its locked. I climb up onto the roof and go though Jc's window.

I'm home, I'm really home. I lay on his bed. I hear crying and I walk to a room. it Jessie in Kians arms. Kian looks tired.

I walk into the room and pick Jessie up. I sit on the floor. I sing to him softly. I'm trying not to wake up Kian. I take the bottle out of his hand.

I feed Jessie the rest of the bottle. he slowly falls asleep as I rock him.

"I promos I will never leave you, Alex, Jc, or Chris again" I whisper into Jessie's ear. the he falls asleep.

I put Jessie in his crib. I pick up Alex. he smile at me and I smile at him. I rock and sing with him. he falls asleep too.

I hear the front door open. I hear Trevor and Chris. well here goes nothing. I peek down stairs first to see Chris with a ring on her finger.

God I missed a lot. I run down the stairs and tackle Chris. we both go falling. but the floor catches us.

Before Trevor hit me with the bat in his hands I yelled "god calm its Tazz god its me."

The looked at me my hands covering my face. when I felt like Trevor wasn't going to beat me I moved my hands.

Chris hugged me while Trevor pulled out his phone. Kian came running down the stairs. he join the hug so did Trevor.

Wow they aren't mad. they are happy to see me good. I hug them back. they make me some food.

The door opens but I dont bother to look back. I'm starving and I want my food. Trevor puts a plate in front of me.

It has eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, strawberry, and cheese. but before I could take a bite someone took it.

I spin aloud and yelled "Jc get you but back here and give me my food." his response was "if you want it come get it"

I run up the stairs and into his bedroom. My food was on his bed but he was gone.

I sit on his bed and eat my food Trevor made me. I know Jc is in his room somewhere.

"Jc I wish you made me your famous log." he laughs and so do I. I fishes eating and put my plate on the fflop for wishbone who I saw earlier.

I lay on.his bed but het uncountable in my clothes. I go over to Jc's closet and get one of his shirts.

I take mine off and put his on. I'm fine with my sweatpants on. I go back and lay on his soft warm bed.

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