Get him there

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Me and Heaven have been hanging out lately. Chris told me about Ashton and I got pissed.

Not the piss like you can stop me. no the piss like if you touch me you die fool.

I ran into Ashton room with a pan. he was asleep and I broke the cup in his room. He woke up and I beat him with the pan.

Ashton is now scared of me. just like everyone else.

Anyway me and Heaven are looking for Max but we cant find her. good did she die or something.

We found her brother. but her wont talk to Heaven. so I'm going to try to talk to him. I just want to ask Calum if its ok.

I walk into Calum's room.

"Hey babe" I say.

"Hey what up."

"Um I have to talk to an old friend but I was wondering if it was okay with you if I could do like um.. bake him horny." I asked.

"Sure just no sex or kissing or touching." I nod and walk out.


I get to Harry's house. I knock on the door and he opens it.

"Hi Tazz. I'm not telling you where my sister is." he said with a face.

"God who said I was here to find her."

He smile at me and drags me into the house. I hide my ring in my bag. we sit in some chairs.

"So anything to drink? Wait let me guess whiskey." I cut him off.

"Oh no not while I'm pregnant. How about water." I say and he walks out of the room.

He soon comes back with water. he sits down very close to me. I'm scared I dont feel safe.

Before I could scoot a bit away he slapped me. it hurt a lot. my hand goes strait to my face.

Tears run down my face. he slaps me again and again. when I try to leave he just pushes me back down.

He keeps beating me. hes slapping, punching, and kicking me. I find a bottle and grab it.

I swing the bottle and it hits his head. he falls to the ground with the broken glass.

I pull my phone out of my bag and call 911. I wait till the cops get to the house. I'm to shaken to drive so the cops give me a ride back.

Calum, Luke, and Danny run out and hug me.

"Oh my god babe what happen." Calum says. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I just cry so the cop explains what happen.


Its been a few hours since the whole Harry thing. I walked to a park and sat on a bench.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I looked at the person and it was a guy.

"Hi I'm Jack are you okay."

Oh my god its Chris Jack.

"No, I dont have a car and no one will come get me and its a long walk." I say. I just have to get him to the house.

"Ill drive you to your house if you make me dinner.


And we left the park.

On the way back we stopped at the store. I'm dying my hair again.

We get to the house and Chris is cooking with Danny.

"Mikey meet me in the bathroom and Chris I brought a friend." I yell and Jack looks happy.

I go up to the bathroom to find Mikey a bit mad.

"What do you want." he practically yells. I just hold up the dye and he smiles.

We dye my hair and I go down stairs to find Jack and Chris making out.

"Whoo go get a room. yeah go ge...he I was cut off by a pillow hitting me.

I fall to the floor and laugh.

"Holy shit Tazz your hair. its blue its cool. " I smile as I get up.

Danny hands me food and I eat it.

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