Join the laugh

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After awhile Chris calls me.

"Tazz, Marie is dead."

I start to cry. I dont care what she is saying. I hang up and crawl onto the bed. Mikey went to get food.

Oh god how could this happen. I feel even worse. god fuck how am I going to tell Mikey the ttrue now.

Fuck what am I going to do. Mikey walls into the room right then. he drops the food and runs over to me.

He holds me close. he tells me everything is going to be okay. after I told him what Chris told me he held me closer.

I cry and he holds me. we lay down and I just cry for hours. I cry myself to sleep with Mikey still holding me.


I wake up and Mikey is gone. I look at my belly is getting really big. I can't wait to have my twins.

I'm flying my sister out to see them when they are born. I put my hand on my belly. they kick over and over again.

I smile at the two little balls of joy that's inside me. I think how Mikey will take the truth. I hope hes happy.

I soon fall asleep again. crying makes me very sleepy.


Its been seven months since ive been pregnant. Mikey is in the bathroom and I'm watching tv.

I laugh then I pee myself. wait that's not pee. god fuck my water broke.

"My water broke let fucking go!!" I scream.

I run to the door with Mikey following with the keys to the car. We get in the car and we start to drive to the hospital.

We get to the hospital and I'm in a lot of pain. Mikey is calling Luke and Danny as I'm rushed to a room.


Four hours and fifty minutes. after I got to the hospital. everyone except Calum was at the hospital. my sister is on her way.

And my two baby boys were finally in the world. they are fine for being two months early.

I lay in the bed with everyone in the room. I realize Chris is gone. I look around.

I yell for her and she come through the crowed of people. I ask her to make everyone leave.

Soon I'm alone in my room. I'm at peace. my kids are here and alive. Then Calum walks in.

"What the fuck are you doing here."

"Came to see my kids and my soon to be wife."

"No I'm not going to marry you. and they ARENT your kids. I lied they are Mikey kids." I scream.

His smile turned to a frown. and then he got really mad.

"What did you cheat on me. huh I bet you did you slut." then he slaps me. it hurt.

"Get out now." I say calm.

He slaps me again. he told me he wasn't leaving.

"Mikey help Mikey help I'm scared Mikey please help" I yelled and Mikey comes rushing into the room.

I point at Calum and Mikey drags him out of my room. I cry as I feel the pain of the second slap.

Mikey soon comes back to the room and hugs me. oh god I hope what I'm about to tell him wont make him mad.

"They are ours. not his. ours." and with that Mikey kisses me.

I kiss him back. it feels right. I forget that he cheated on me or he abused me when we first met. its now, this moment.

We lay together and I fall asleep next to Mikey. He has his arms rapped around my waist. Our legs are intertwine with eachothers.

I'm happy when I'm with him. the past is gone. its now that mmatters


Today is Marie's funeral. I dress my two month old babies up in black as I cry.

Its going to be Chris, me, and my kids at the serves. the boys are on tour so they cant make it.

I go to her serves and it was sad. it was also short. black roses laid on her coffin. this is a time were I need Mikey.

I miss my three boys. why did they have to go on that god dang tour. Danny went with them just for fun.

Me and Chris go to my house. she keeps calling someone. all I hear is 'hi you've reached ------ pot-----' I wounder who shes always talking tto

I put my kids to sleep. Chris and I watch a movie. to the end there is a knock at my door.

Who the fuck could be at my door. the boys dont know where I live. I open the door to find a gun pointed at me.

I look at the person holding thy gun. oh god why is Max.

"holy shit put that down your going to wake my kids up." I whisper.

She puts the gun down as she laughs. I introduce Chris to Max. they get along. Max tells me shes glad I put her brother behind bars.

After a few hours Max leaves. she told me shes living with Heaven for a bit. My kids wake up after Max leaves.

Chris is in love with Jessie. shes not a big fan of Alex. she wont put Jessie down. at least she has something to make her smile.

She told me what happen with her dad. he tried to kill her. but her being Chris she killed him. she went into survive mode.

Chris and I get the rats back to bed then go to bed ourselves.


I wake up to pots and pans clashing together. I grab my bat from behind my door. I slowly walk to the kitchen. I hear talking.

"Be silent Tazz wont be happy if we wake her up."

"Luke I know ththy last time I got hit with a shoe."

"Mikey I heard something."

"Ashton shut up and check on the kids."

"You the are yours. and its ash now."

I jump out and they scream like girls. I fall to the floor laughing. Chris comes running down the stairs. she starts to laugh as well.

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