Not again

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I was trying on wedding dresses. I am very happy. I spend hours doing ttho with Heaven. she is going to be the maid of honor.


Its been a few weeks since Jack came to the house. And I have a weird feeling in my gut. the kind of feeling telling me not to marry Calum.

I feel like something isn't right. lately Calum has been very distant. he avoids me as much as possible.

I'm laying on the couch in my wedding dress I got, texting Danny and Heaven when I get an email. I open the email and read it.

You know how each family has a secret. my family had a huge one. I have a twin who hates me. my dad didnt want twins just one.

So my twin sister was given away. she hates me most of the time. but every now and then she can be nice. she send me updates on how shes doing.

But this email from her was no update on her. it was about Calum. he is kissing a girl. they are half naked.

I throw my phone across the room. my sister may hate me but she wants me to be happy. she cares for me. she would never purposely ruin my relationship.

I scream and start to cry. no one is home at the moment. I throw a few things that will break. I grab the bat from Mikey's room.

I go and I start swinging the bat. I make holes in the walls. I break the bathroom doors. I hear my phone go off again.

Its another email from my sister. a live stream. I open it to see Calum kissing that girl. loving her the way he loved me.

I throw my phone to the ggroup once again. but this time I smash and break it with the bat. it shatters into pieces.

I scream again. tears a running down my face. I lose it and I grab anything that will breaks and I throw it as hard as I can to break it.

I go into Calum's room and I break everything I can. picture frames, lamps, awards, etc.

I rip pictures of us together into little pieces. I burn them to ashes. I hate him more than I hated Mikey.

I write him a note saying I dont want to get married and I dont want to talk. I put the ring on the paper.

I pack my things into a garbage bag. I grab my keys and walk out the door. Its raining very bad. but I really could care less.

I find a payphone. I call Chris who is staying at a friends house. I'm not supposed to be driving.

The phone rings but no answer. I call a few more times when she finally answers.

"Hello??" Chris starts.

"Chris its Tazz I need you to come get me I cant drive."

"Have Calum or Danny drive you."

"Fine I will call one of them."

And with that being said I hung up. I wasn't calling Calum because I hate him and Danny would get mad.

I finally knew who to call after an hour. I walk up to the payphone and dial Mikey's number.

It rings and thank god he picked up.

"Mikey its Tazz I need you to come get me. I'm scared and I dont know what to do. I'm at the gas station two blocks from the house." I saas

"Ill be right there."

And then he hung up. I sit on a bench outside and wait for Mikey to show up. as I'm waiting Calum pulls and gets out.

He keeps saying "how could I forget the condoms" over and over he doesnt even see me sitting there. he even asked me for money to buy the condoms.

How could he thank god Mikey pulled up and I got in the car and told him to just drive.

And we drove for hours before I fell asleep.


I wake up in a hotel room. Mikey is watching tv. he looks at me and smiles. the memories of yesterday come rushing back.

I start to cry once again. Mikey come over to me with soda and candy. he hugs me and hands me the soda and candy very carefully.

I slowly feel better as I eat the candy and drink the soda. this is why I'm glad Mikey is still in my life.

It moments like this I really am glad he stayed in my life after everything that happen.

I'm glad hes still my best friend. I know he will always be there for me when I need him the most.

We spend all day in the hotel room playing card games and watching tv and movies. Mikey telling me jokes and pick up lines.

And stories of him as a child. the stories are very funny. they make me laugh. he makes me laugh.

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