Lost him?

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I get to the hospital and Danny is rolling around in a wheel chair. he has a big smile on his face.

I go and see Mikey, who still os in a coma. usually Luke wakes up in ten minutes then falls asleep.

Something is off. I go up to the machine thing and check it. I put my head on Luke's chest.

His heart is beating faster then the machine says. I scream for a doctor. but no one comes.

There is medical supplies. I see a needle and some liquid. on the bottle it says it slows town the heart.

I put some in the needle and walk over to Luke. I raise the needle above his heart.

"I'm sorry." and I stab the needle into his heart. I pull the needle out. I put my head to his chest and hes is fine.

I walk out of the room. I look around till I see the front desk. I walk up to the front desk.

"Hey I called for a doctor or a nurse. and you machine thing is broken." I yell.

"Lady please calm down. why did you call for a doctor?"

"My cousin Luke his heart was racing and your stupid machine was with his heart I had to take care of it. hes ok now."

"You used hospital supplies with-"

"Yes I did. I'm sorry if my cousin dies because you cant take care of your patients. look I want a new machine thing for my cousin in room 269. and I want a doctor in there to check on my cousin now."

And I walked away from the desk and back to the room. I hold Luke's hand. I hug him.

"Were is my hug." I turn around to see no one but Mikey in is bed.

"Really you just going to stand there I want my hug more than pizza."

And with that I knew it was Mikey. I walked over to him and hugged him. he hugged me back.

"So who is that guy and how do you know him?" Mikey asked.

"That's Luke hes my cousin. your in a band with him."

"Sorry but I dont know how to play an instrument. and I dont know him."

"what is your name, birthday, and who are your three best friends?"

"look lady I cant remember anything."

I started to cry. I lost him. the worst thing possible came true. Danny rolls in and gets all worried.

"Tazz what is wworn?!?"

"I lost him." Is all I say. Danny looks at Mikey an he just shrugs. Danny hugs me the best he can.

Mikey was coming home. he said it was better than the hospital. I get the guest room ready.

There was a knock on the door. I open the door to find Mikey. I let him in. when he sees the baby's he runs over to them.

"They are so cut. they kinda look like me. what are they named?"

"The brown hair is Jessie and the blonde is Alex."

"They are so cute. for some reason I remember them. but I dont know how."

I look around and crab a towel.

"Can I please have Alex its time to feed."

Mikey makes a face but hands me Alex. he plays with Jessie all day.

"Watch him he is very sneaky."

And I walk off to the nursery. after awhile a feeding the twins Mikey walks in.

" I remember you. your my girlfriend. those are my kids. you call me Mikey. that's all I can reremember

"Its a start." I say as I hug him and he hugs me back.

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