Bad girl

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Mikey fell asleep, finally. Jessie wakes up. oh my god I just put you to sleep. I go into the nursery and pick up Jessie.

I rock, feed, play, and sing to him but he wont go to sleep. it's midnight and I want to sleep.

Oh god where is Chris when you need her to sing. and then I remember I have a tracking device.

I get the car ready. then I get my kids ready. I put Alex and Jessie in the car. I put my phone were the gps is supposed to be.

I follow the directions.


I drive for seven hours just to get to Chris. I park the car upfront of the house and get out of the car.

I walk up to the door. before I knock I check the time 8:36. I had to stop for gas and change Alex and Jessie.

I knock on the door. you can hear Jessie crying. after seven hours strait of that you get use to it.

I wait five minutes and no one answers and the crying gets worse. I knock again but this time harder and louder.

"Okay I get it I'm coming" some one yells. there is more talking but you can hardly hear it.

"What do you want." god who knew Kian would be so mad.

"I need Chris."
"for what"
"to put Jessie to sleep"
"why cant you do that"
"Because he had a nightmare"
"Well I'm sorry-" I cut him off
"Look pal I drove seven hours strait listing to crying. I have not slept in the that 24 hours. now you get Chris or I kick you in the leg."

His face went pail. he looked into the other room.

"Being them in the house." kian said.

I nod and walked to the car. I grabbed Alex and Jessie. I grabbed the their bag. I walk inside the house and sat on the couch.

Chris took Jessie and Connor took Alex. Chris started to sing. since I didnt sleep the last 24 hours I fell asleep.

I wake up to laughing. I open my eye to Sam and Jc playing with Alex and Jessie. it was a funny thing.

Jessie was putting make-up on Jc. Alex was drawing on Sam. I start to laugh. they look at me and smile. they go back to what they were doing.

I pull out my phone and check the time. its 2:43 PM. I have a few text. I check my text.

Mikey: hey where are you?

Mikey: hey when did you leave?

Mikey: can I trust this Danny person?

Mikey: who is the Ashton and Calum person?

I text him back.

To Mikey
yes you can trust Danny. Calum and Ashton are your friends and I went to a friends house at midnight.

I put my phone in my pocket and walk to the kitchen were Rick is making a video.

I just look at him. he makes a face I would laugh at but not this time. I just keep looking at him.

He starts to get uncomfortable. after a bit I smile. he just looks at the ground. I walk to the fridge but was stopped by Jc.

"Tazz I dont know what I did I'm so sorry."

I look at Jc. all he does is point to the living room. I run to the living room. I look at the floor theres nothing.

I look everywhere but still nothing. I'm so confused. I turn around to see Jc sanding there.

Why the hell is he bitting his lip. what the fuck is going on. he starts to walk closer and I walk back.

I hit the wall and cant go any where else. Jc is only a few inches away from me.

"Um what are you do-" he cut me off by kissing me.

I push him away. then as a refection I kicked him in the dick.

"What made you think that was okay. I have a boyfriend and kids. I dont even like you."

I scream at him. I then punch him in the face. Chris and Sam come running in. they look at me then at Jc.

I walk out of the room looking for my kids. Chris gets them then gets them in the car. she hops in the car and I drive.

I dont talk but Chris keeps asking questions. I just block her out. oh god if Mikey finds out I dont know what I would do.

I pull up in a driveway. but its not mine or the boys or Chris. I dont know where I am. But its probably someone I know right.

I get out of the car. Chris looks like she seen this house before. She wont get out of the car.

I knock on the door and Jack opens the door. I grow very pissed off. I punch him in gut. then bash is head on my knee.

I also kick him in the dick and gut.

"If you come near Chris or hurt her I will put you in the hospital next time!! Do you understand." I scream.

I walk to the car and Chris just has a smile on her face. I drive us to a hotel.

"We are staying here so I can cool down" I tell Chris. she nods and walks into the room.


Its been a few day since school started for Chris. I am already graduated from that hell hole.

Shes had a hard time so I thought I would randomly show up. you see when I went to school I was feared and I still am.

I walk into school and the word that I was there spread quickly. I went and sat right next to the girl Chris was eyeing with hate.

"So tell me who do you bully this year?" I ask

"That girl name chChris

I stand up and look her strait in the eye. her fear is taking over. I stand on the table.

"Hey everyone listen."

The lunchroom fell quite. all eyes were on me.

"That girl Chris" I point at Chris, "shes my friend so you mess with her you mess with me. if you hurt her mentally or physically I hurt you physically. got it."

Then I jumped of a table and walked over to Chris. she has a huge smile on her face. I sit next to her.

We talk then the bell rings and she goes to class. I go back to the o2l house and hang out.

Me and Jc worked thing out. everyone still doesnt know what happen. all they know is Jc pissed me off and I hurt him.

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