As long as I'm with him

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Its been two weeks since I've gotten out of that hell hole people call a hospital.

I refuse to see Nana and Mikey. god at times like these my brother saved me. ive tried to call him but I go strait to voice mail.

Dang that day with my parents plays over and over in my head. I cant sleep because of it. I finally close my eyes and fall asleep.

I was outside playing tag with my brother. it was the last time I saw him happy. then our parent told us to come inside.

Danny took my hand and we ran inside. our mom took us into a room we were never allowed in.

Our dad locked the door behind us. he put the keys high up where we couldn't reach. they were not smiling.

They pulled out the guns. my mom bent down to me. she looked at me. she was about to cry.

"this is a dream that belongs to angels. and when they wake up we go wake up with them. and we become angles as well." that was last thing she said to me.

My brother started to I started to count as well. then two loud bangs went off and they hit the floor.

My brother went and got the gun from our dads hand. "I'm sorry." he cried.

He then pointed the gun at him. I started sscreaming

"Dont leave me. dont do what they did. please dont do it." I kept screaming at him.


I wake up to Luke shaking me. he looked terrified. he looked like he seen a ghost. I started to cry.

When he tried to hug me I pushed him away. he finally leaves and someone else walks in.

That person tries to hug me. I just kick and hit. they finally tackle me and I'm pinned.

"Your still a fighter I see." Danny said. I gave up trying to push him off. he laid next to me.

"Your ok I'm here." he said every now and then rubbing my back as my face was in his chest. I soon fell asleep again.


I wake up and Danny isn't next to me. I smell bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I run down stairs to find Danny cooking. YES!! Real food.

I go and sit in the livingroom. I pull out my phone and go on Facebook I hear a crash in the kitchen.

I run to find Danny fighting Mikey. What the hell. a pan comes flying and hits my head.

I run upstairs and kicks Luke's door open. "what the" I cut him off. "Mikey and Danny are fighting and I got hit by a pan."

Luke bolts down stairs calling Calum as well. I follow Luke down the stair. Calum soon joins us in the kitchen.

Luke and Calum are trying to stop the fight. Marie and Christiana join me wwatching the food then falls to the floor they crossed the line.

"Stop fighting oh my god. Mikey stop punching my bbrother and back up. first you start fighting in the house then I get hit with a pan. that I can forgive. but you knocked my food to the floor. this is real food and not take out. you knocked my bacon made my brother to the floor. you have crossed the line."

I started to run towards them but Ashton grabbed me by my waist. where the hell did he come from. Mikey and Danny looked scared. they better be scared.

"You got lucky this time. watch your back. I will have my revenge." I yelled as Calum took me from Ashton.


Calum took me to his room and he had a tight grip. because every time he loses his grip I try to kill them.

I finally turn towards him. oh god his eyes cant do this anymore. My feelings for him over come me and I kiss him.

To my surprise he kisses me back. he pulls away. "your the girl I like." he then goes back to kissing me.

I forget about the fight and revenge, and Mikey cheating. As long as I'm with Calum nothing matters.

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