Little fun

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I wake up the next morning happy. I got out of my bed and started to jump on Chris's bed.

She throws a pillow at me I just laugh. I throw sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. I walk out of our room and go to the basement.

I go to the tiny door. it was unlocked. Chris came here. I crawl into the room. this room was built for me and my mom.

I turned the light on. the blue walls brighten. oh its dusty in here.

The radio still worked because the asked me where I was. I tell them the mini door.

A few moments later Chris came in.

I pull out the cleaning supplies from under the counter.

"Help me clean?" I ask Chris. she bods and helps me clean.


It wan an hour or two later and finished cleaning the room.

We sit on one of the couches.

The blue walls lit up. the red tile floor shined. the yellow couches were comfy once again and so were the pink chairs.

the purple table was purple not brown. the neon green rug was bright. the picture frames looked bright pink, red, and yellow.

The memoirs came back we still had to go through the clothes. Chris soon fell asleep again.

I got up and went to the scare room. the body outlines made me laugh. my dad was always remodeling this room.

The fake blood stained the floor. he never got to change this again. I look around the room to see a letter.

It had my name on it. I open the letter and read it. this is what it said:

"Dear Tazz,
By the time you read this you will be older. I'm sorry for killing myself but it was to keep you safe. I owed a man a lot of money. he said you lose me and your mom or we lose you. I couldn't lose you. I'm sorry baby girl. your brother knew of the plan. your mother and I left everything in your name. I'm so sorry.
love, daddy"

I dropped the piece of paper. my dad and mom left EVERYTHING to me. that means I own my moms fashion line and my dads car company.

I jump with happiness. I do a little dance. I have the biggest smile in my face. I hear the bell ring.

I run and wake up Chris. I drag her out of the house and into the trees. The trees surround us.

We run off the path. we come across the treehouse. the chairs are still there.

I start to run into the treehouse. Chris follows me. we get inside and I lift the rug up.

The little door wasn't shut off. I lift the door up and jump down.

"Close the door behind you Chris." I yell. and that's what she did.

I grab a lantern and walk slowly through the tunnels.

Its dark, cold, dusty, and muddy in the tunnels. we come to a fork and I look at the map.

We go in the left tunnel. we soon reach a door. I knock on it and Danny opens the door and Chris and I walk in.

I see Calum asleep on the ground. AW he is so darn cute sleeping.

I get down on the ground and cuddle with Calum. hes not asleep because he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm glad you let me come babe." Is what he said to me. I smile and see Chris and Danny talking.

"Danny I'm guessing the power doesnt work." I say.
"Oh no it dose this pussy wants to sleep" he says pointing to Calum.

I throw a rock at Danny. "be nice that pussy is my boyfriend. And remember I had to hold your hand everyone we came down here because you were scared." I yelled.

Danny made a face. I soon fell asleep.


I wake up to everyone and everything gone. wait theres a note saying:

"Hey sis, sorry but we will be back soon we went to get your stuff and Chris stuff. we will be back soon."

I look around and see another door. I open it its a bathroom. I go to the kitchen and there is no food.

I walk over to tye bells and ring the food bell. we had different color and sound bells so we knew what to bring.

Its not long till Chris shows up with food. as I go for the food I see these bruise orbit least think there bruise.

Nope the hickeys. oh god what happen last night.

"Chris what the hell is up with the hickeys in your neck." I ask

Her face turns red.

"I had a bit of fun with your brother." is all she said before running off.

I wounded what the story is.

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