Call them

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I'm in so much pain. Mikey and Calum beat me really good. Jc is getting some food for me. oh god I hate this. my phone was next to me.

It starts to ring. I dont look to see who is caling. I grab my phone and hit the answer key.

"Hello" I say.
"Tazz I'm so sorry for anything I did yesterday. I got-" I cut Mikey off.
"you beat me yesterday. you threw me to the ground and beat me. I had to go to the hospital"
"Tazz I'm so sorry I got drunk."
"Did Calum and Luke get drunk as well"
"No I was the only one"

Tears start to roll down my face. I put the phone down then put it back to my ear.

"Well then. I'm not coming back."
"Luke let you and Calum beat me. Calum beat me. all of you but Ashton beat me yesterday."

Then I hung up. I start to cry harder. it starts to be harder to breath. Everything starts to blur.

I'm having a panic attack. and I'm alone that's not good. I try to move but I cant. I just sit there and cry.

Thank god Jc walked in. he dropped the food and ran over to me. he hugs me then tells me its okay.

I calm down and stop crying. then I realize he dropped the food and I cry again.

"What's wrong Tazz why are you crying."
"You dropped the food and Mikey called. YOU DROPPED THE FOOD!"

I scared him. he picks the food back up and I stop crying. he hands me the food. yeah he got me IHOP.

He lays down on the bed next to me and falls asleep. hes been sleeping on the ground.

I finish eating and I cant sleep. I'm not in very much pain anymore. thank you for pain killers.

I get up and grab my keys. I have to pay a vist to a old friend. Linsey Barns need a vist.

I get to where Chris goes to school. I walk in and go up to a random student.

"Where is Lindsey Barns."

He just points to the bathroom. I smile and walk into the bathrooms.

Shes here alright. she stop what shes doing and looks at me. he smile is gone. Her face is now pale. shes scared she better be.

I walk up to her sit on the sink. I take her lipstick and put it on. I look at myself in the mirror.

I look back at Lindsey. I start to shake my head. I give her lipstick back. its silent.

"Lindsey ive heard you've been mean."
She gulps.
"Picking on kids you don't even know lying about your sister. really I thought you were better than this."

I get off the sink. I look her dead in the eye. I shake my head again.

"Putting you nose in other peoples life's. Beating people up. dont you dare try to take my place."

She starts to cry a bit. just a few tears here and there.

"I swear to god. if I hear anything about you hurting anyone ill hurt you. especially Chris. got it."

She starts to cry harder. but she nods. I raise my hand and I punch her in the arm five time. she cays harder.

"Just remember treat people the way you want to be treated."

I walk away as she crys in the bathroom. I might as well see a few old friends.

I walk out to the football field. theres the team. the couch sees me and calls a break. the players notice me and run up to me.

They take their helmets off. all but a few have smiles on there faces. as some of the guys explain who I am to the new kids they smile.

People ask so many questions.

"How are you"
"Where have you been"
"did you see the world."

They keep coming.

"Shut up" I yell. they all just look at me.
"Im good. no I haven't seen the world. ive been ar my house and a friends house or and the hospital."

"The hospital why"
"Because giving birth in a car didnt cut it."

They all cheer. they pick me up and cary me around. they put me down and we say Our goodbyes.

They go back to practice I go back to my car.


I'm sitting in my car watching my phone blow up from everyone. I turn my phone off.

I look around. I see a happy family. I want one. but I cant if Mikey out. I know I'm going to regret this.

I call the police on my extra phone.

"Hello how may I help you."
"Yes hi um I need to file a report over the phone."
"Okay do you know how."
"My name is Tazz and my ex Mikey and Calum beat me. they are at my house at 4080 n. 2387 s. link lane."

I than hang up. I start to cry. I keep telling myself 'this is for the best'! But its not okay.

I cry even harder. I hit the door and the seat. I hit everything I can that's in the car. I stop and turn my phone back on.

I have 208 text and 56 missed calls. most of the calls were from Jc. I call him back.

"Oh my god Tazz are you okay. where are. what happen. why did you leave. why are you crying."
"I'm fine Jc I'm at IHOP can you please come get me I dont want to drive I tell you everything when you get here."
"Okay dont move be there in a few."

Then he hangs up. and I'm left in silence. I cry even harder. I soon fall asleep.

I fell a pair of arms pick me up and put me in a different car. I open my eyes to see Jc. I close my eyes again.

Kian is driving and I'm 'asleep' on Jc lap. they start tatalking

"Dude are you going to tell her anytime soon"

"I dont know Kian."

"Well you should tell when she wakes up."

I cant keep silent.

"Tell me what"

They freeze. I look at Jc.

"Jc tell me what."

Jc looks at Kian than at me.

"Tazz since the day I met you I knew I always wanted you in my life. as a friend or more. I want you in my life as more than a-"

I cut him off by kissing him. when I pull away Jc is shocked. Kian is yelling "get a room" and I'm just smiling.

"I'm going back to sleep." I close my eyes as Jc strokes my hair.


I wake up to a smiling Jc. Jc is cuddling me.

"Your all mine" he says "yep" I say in a sleepy voice.

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