Black out

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Chris went to the hospital. She just has a few fractured bones. She told me Mikey and Calum beat her.

Its one thing to beat me but to beat Chris for no reason. that is not okay. I'm trying my best not to get my baseball bat and beat them.

But I cant they are in prison. That was a few days ago. I get hungry and grab my keys. I walk up to Chris.

"Hey do you want anything I'm going to get food?" the shake their heads and I walk to my car.

I get in my car and go to KFC. I stay there to eat. a cop walks in and looks around. he then orders.

Well that was random. but he looks so familiar. where have I seen him. he must be new to the team.

I know every cop but him. then Rob walks over to me.

"That's Jake. hes new to the team."

I nod. "I think I know him. what's his last name?"

I do know him. a smile comes to my face. Jake Nickel my best friend after I moved to Texas.

Oh my he looks so good. "want me to call him over" I nod. Jake walks over.

He smiles at me.

"Tazz is that you." I nod again.
"Oh boy Jake how are you."
"I'm good. how are you."
"Good. Jake how much ive missed you."

He laughs. we talked for about an hour. when Jc called me and told me Jessie was freaking out.

And so I left after I gave Jake a hug."


"We have a new neighbor." Sam yelled running in the house.

I look out the window to see a moving truck across the street. the cops are there. then I see Jake.

I get off the couch and run out the door. I look both ways before I run across the street and jump on Jakes back.

I stumbles but gets on his feet again. I laugh and he does too.

"Yeah you live down/across the street from me." I scream.
"Down/across" he ask.

I point to the O2L house and then to my house two houses away. (i moved)

"Yeah I switch between those houses." I yell with happiness. Jc and Sam walk over to us.

"Jack this is Jc my boyfriend and our friend Sam. they live in that house there." I point to their house. "boys this is Jack one of my best friends." I smile.

Jc didnt look very happy. he looked jealous. I dont know why he would be jealous Jack is gay.

We talk then Trevor calls me to the house to take the kids.


Its about 10 and its just me and Jc. everyone is at the park. I was sleeping and Jc didnt want to go.

He sit next to me on the couch.

"So did you and Jack date?" I start laughing.
"Then why do you like him"
"Hes my friend Jc. just like Jean is your friend"
"Seems to me you love him"
"Its been 7 years since ive seen him."
"So what Jc"
"I know your going to leave me for him"
"No I'm not" I start to yell.
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not. even if he was strait I would never leave you for him"
"Yes you woul- wait if he was strait."
"Yeah hes gay. and always has been."
"Yeah we went to school totogether
"I feel stupid now"
"Cause you are. but hey all the people I love are. I dont like smart people"

He smiles and I smile back. he plus me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I yelled"
"Its okay Jc"

We lay on the couch and go to slesee

its dark and cold. there is a small window but I cant reach it. I'm chained to a wall. I panic and cry.

I scream out for help. but no one comes. a door opens. I see a gun and a man holding it. my crying vegans to get worse.

I beg him not to do anything. as he steps into the light I see my dad. I cry out telling him no.

He puts the gun on the tabel and brings in a dog. its Jojo the dog my dad rescued. he gave me Jojo.

My dad ties Jojo up. he then takes the gun. he loads it fully. he looks at me. not a single tear.

"Dont leave! Stay for me! Please dont hurt anyone! dont do it!" I cried out.

A loud shot went off. my dad stood but Jojo let the blood out. then another shot.

Pain went though my body as I bleed out. he shot me in the gut. then he shot himself in the head. things started to spin.

I cry out for help people rush past the room. they just look at me.


I wake up crying and Buck holding me. what is Buck doing here. where did he come from. where am I.

Last tim I checked Buck was in a mental hospital. wait he cant be out till 2032. I get up and check the date.

I went to sleep at 2:34 am on 2/4/15. now its 3:45 PM on 4/5/17. oh my god I had another black out.

I start to pace the room. oh my god what did I do. nothing bad I hope. I missed Chris graduate. my kids what happen to them.

What happen the last two years.

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