Chapter twenty two: A heart shattering discovery

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The school building stood proudly in front of me, tempting me to forget all about my classes and hurry to find the phone. All I had been thinking about was the moment I would find that phone. The moment that it would be in my hands and I could delve deeper into finding out Lorna's tormentor. I was so close to them- I could feel it.

The device that Alex had given me hid in my blazer pocket, reminding me that they could be anyone. People I knew, people I knew nothing about.

Each person who passed me by in the corridors as I stepped inside the building was what alarmed me. One of those few people could have been who I was looking for.

"Hello, little mouse." Jordan jumped in front of me. "It's been a while."

"I agree," I responded, walking with Jordan to my locker. "What have you been up to?"

He exhaled heavily and leant against the locker beside mine. "Not running away from my ill nan. I'm attempting, from now on, to be there for her 'til her last moments."

"Good." I nodded once. "She seems so sweet and lovely to not see her grandson one last time."

Jordan squeezed my shoulder and beamed brightly at me. "Thanks for being here for me and all. It means a lot."

I smiled back kindly and said, "Always, Jordan, always."

We said our goodbyes and split apart as we got to the end of the corridor; him going one way and me going the other. It was a shame we didn't have that many lessons together, but we had the same lunch.

If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I would have been sad at the fact that Jordan Peters didn't have that many lessons with me, then I would have told them that they were "crazy and had no clue about what they were talking about."

But now, Jordan and I were very close friends and it was all through the suicide of my sister. He knew her personally and, well, she was my twin sister. Plus, I would not say that Jordan didn't keep me company with his cheesy jokes.

Whilst walking to my lesson, my footsteps stopped as my eyes landed on Gracie who dug hastily through her locker. She seemed like she was looking for something and whatever she was looking for must have got her worked up.

It felt like I hadn't seen Gracie for years. Being curious me, I began to carefully approach her, wanting to know what she was desperately looking for.

"Do you need any help?" I asked hesitantly, my voice stopping her actions.

She turned around to look at me and backed away a little. "No."

"No you don't want any help, or no you don't want help from me?" I sighed, slumping my shoulders.

Gracie narrowed her eyes at me and  stood up straight, processing my question. She then slammed her locker shut and shook her head, leaving me a little confused.

"Are you ok?" I tilted my head, genuinely confused by her awkward and silent demeanour.

"Just stay away from me, ok?" She blurted out before rushing off.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I stood in the middle of the corridor with a heavy heart and a frown. It was like she was scared of me, not wanting me to be near her.

Rather contradicting when I should be the one saying that to her.

Hearing the late bell, I rolled my eyes and stormed off into the other direction. I had some business to do first.

I huffed out a breath with frustration and exhaustion. I had looked all over the school, waiting for that significant beep to let me know that the phone was in a locker.
I was on the verge of giving up, until my mind drifted to the lockers upstairs. I had forgotten to search there so with aching eyes and sore feet, I reluctantly trudged my way up the steps.

The bell for break rang out suddenly, causing my eyes to widen in panic. I had missed two lessons. I mean they weren't important, but I had been to a rather long toilet stop.

Luckily, I could search the lockers up here and be done. After, I could go to my lessons like normal and make up some excuse as to why I wasn't in class for two lessons. Easy peasy.

Spotting a familiar dark haired guy, I skipped over towards him with a wide smile on my face.

"How was class?" I asked Jordan, watching him open his locker.

"It was class." He shrugged nonchalantly. "You know I was wondering if-"

His voice got lost in the loud sound of a blaring beep from my blazer pocket.

With my mouth agape, I shakily slid the device out of my pocket and hovered it reluctantly around his locker. I shook my head once the beep got louder, my crestfallen face representing my exact thoughts and emotions.


I didn't let him finish as I shoved him to the side and rifled through his locker. My heart pounded during my thorough search, ignoring every protest and shout from Jordan.

"Please, tell me..." I trailed off, my voice trembling.

My hand connected with a brown envelope that was hidden under his paperwork. That was when my heart stopped beating and my nose and mouth stopped breathing. I turned my head to look at Jordan whose eyes had widened as a phone slipped out of the envelope.

The constant beep had stopped, leaving just a wild, flashing red light. I dropped the device, grabbed the phone and narrowed my eyes at Jordan.


"No." I shook my head, feeling deceived and betrayed. "I don't want to hear it."

Spinning around, I stormed off down the corridor and dashed down the steps, blocking out Jordan's repetitive calls of my name and the turn of every head around me.

I scoffed at the thought of ever trusting Jordan. I lowered my head in shame and trudged out of the building with a shattered heart and cold, streaks of tears that had just happened to fall out of the eyes, which had once looked at Jordan with compassion and affection.

Now all I could look at him was with pain and betrayal. He had hurt me. No he had destroyed me.

I kept imagining me telling our English teacher on the cheaters, Elijah and Jordan, for revenge but then I remembered what I promised Elijah. I couldn't be the cause for his sister getting hurt.

So with a heavy heart and a conflicted mind, I wandered back home, conjuring up a plan to get my revenge.

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