Chapter five: Cheats

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"Honey, wake up! You'll be late for school," my mum called from down stairs.

I rolled over to the side of my bed and sighed. All I could dream about was those haunting eyes and for once not Lorna or horrible memories to do with her. It was like I couldn't get those eyes out of my mind; they were so riveting.

Standing up from my bed, I stretched out my arms like a sloth and moved to the bathroom sleepily. I quickly showered and threw on my school uniform before rushing downstairs.

Yelling a swift good bye to my mum, I sprinted down the path away from my house and from there I walked to school. Normally, I would have taken the bus but I didn't like taking money off of my parents so I endured the pain of walking instead. Buses were ridiculously expensive anyway.

When I entered the school grounds, the first thing I scanned for was the boy I saw yesterday. I stopped though once I realised how creepy that actually was. He was just some random guy I saw in the corridor. Chill out, stalker.

"Hey Miles!" I yelled over to him once I saw his signature curly caramel hair that bounced with each step he took.

I giggled at his hopeless self as he turned multiple times around to look for whoever called his name. I would have revealed myself, but what I was seeing right then was absolute gold. I could have recorded it if I had my phone out earlier.

Smiling at him once his crystal blue eyes landed on me, I waved at him lightly. His face lit up with recognition and he began waddling over to me with excitement.

"Marissa, are we still going to Gracie's barbecue?" He wondered, fidgeting with his back pack strings.

My smile fell at the question. I totally forgot about it. "I don't know, Miles. It depends if she's invited her 'other' friends."

"But... it's our thing, Mar." He frowned, averting his eyes to the ground. "She can't do that."

"Well she made herself pretty clear on Wednesday." I crossed my arms, scowling in the direction of a group of annoying year sevens.

Beside them, I caught the guy from yesterday entering the school and my eyes widened. Miles saw my expression and sent me a curious look. I held my hand up to him and quickly wandered off to where the guy had sneakily went.

I hurried past the automatic doors and followed the guy to the English department. I watched him enter one of the classrooms, which happened to be empty. There must have not been a form for that room.

I tiptoed over to the room and backed against the wall. The guy rested his bag on top of one of the tables and began to unload his brown bag with tons of English exam papers. What was he doing with them?

The guy continued to scribble out a grade on a paper. After, he opened the teacher's draw with a key and stuffed the papers into it. If I wasn't mistaken, that bag was the same bag I saw yesterday. And it definitely wasn't his normal school bag as that happened to be on his back.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to get away because the grey eyed boy caught my moving figure and sped after me. I felt my tiny body get slammed against the brick wall and I winced in pain. I shivered as my bare cheek touched the cold bricks
Groaning, I bravely glared up at the tall boy who thought it would be fun to play cat and mouse.

"Now little mouse, you're going to forget everything you saw and quickly go back to your other little mate, alright?" He growled out, pinning my arms to the brick wall.

I hissed in pain as he twisted my arm backwards, "Damn, you really know how to run."

"And you clearly don't. Now run along or shall I say walk along," he grumbled, tucking his hands into his blazer pockets.

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