Chapter eighteen: POV of the unknown

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"Why are you late?" She spat coldly, checking the time on her watch.

"Work went on for a while," I retorted, slouching into the chair across from her. "Now, what do you need?”

"What do I need? What do you need? I'm only doing this for your benefit." She rolled her eyes, tapping her nails against the table wildly.

My eyes zeroed in on her hand and I hastily pushed it off of the table sharply.
She let out a small cry of pain and rubbed at her hand and wrist.

"Don't do annoying things like that!" I ordered, feeling like a hundred eyes were on me.

I began fidgeting vigorously and I attempted at pulling down my work shirt's sleeves. Feeling very self-conscious, I hid my face behind my hands and avoided all eye contact with my cousin.


When I didn't respond, she repeated herself, "Hey."

I glanced up at her and narrowed them.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry." She breathed out. "I just want what's best for you, ok?"

"Yeah, I get it. Anyway, I've got to go. See you," I muttered out before exiting the coffee shop.

I did love my cousin, but she could be so protective. Just because some girl led me on, it didn't mean that I was some fragile, porcelain doll that could break with the slightest bit of pressure.

However, I did appreciate everything my sister had done for me. Although she knew I was a bit crazy and I had attachment issues, my cousin stood by me and did everything she could to help.

I did wonder though, whether she'd go too far and something awful would happen. She tried to stop my worrying, but she made me worry more.

I was the crazy one. Not her. So if the cops do come knocking on our door one day, then she shouldn't be the one to go to jail...

I should be.

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