Chapter twenty one: Texter's location

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My phone rang loudly, waking me up from my deep slumber. Patting around on my desk for my phone sleepily, I blinked at the name that appeared on my phone.


I had swapped phone numbers with her yesterday, before leaving her house, and asked her if she could let me know when Alex had finished finding the location of the texter.

Getting excited, I tapped furiously on the green icon and brought the phone up to my ear. I chewed on my lip nervously and waited for her to speak.

"Marissa, you need to get here like now!" She shrieked, causing me to instantly stand up from my bed.

"Why? Have you found anything?" I quickly asked, my heart racing in my chest.

"Yes, and I'm not sure you're going to like it," she replied.

"I'll be there," I responded and hung up.

I dashed to my wardrobe and threw on whatever I could find. It must have been urgent, since Madeleine's tone of voice was filled with worry and urgency.

I speedily rushed to Madeline's house, feeling glad that her house wasn't too far away. I ran like I was being chased by my worst nightmare. Many people watched with confusion as I barged passed them in a hurry. I didn't mean to cause a scene, but Madeline's tone of voice worried me to no ends.

Spotting her house in the distance, I did not slow my pace. I increased it. The burning sense of curiosity and urgency encouraged that pace. I needed to know who the texter was.

I hurriedly approached her house and rang her doorbell. The door opened instantly and I stepped in, waiting for Madeline to answer.

"Tell me!" I demanded softly after she closed her front door. "I need to know."

She swallowed before replying, "The phone is located at our school. Someone from our school is the texter."

I stared at her, lips parted in astonishment. My eyes probably held so many emotions: Fear, anger and wonder. I feared that whoever texted Madeline those awful things was someone close to me. I was angry at the fact that someone out there was even capable of threatening a kid. But I mostly wondered what was the reason behind all of it. Why was my sister targeted? What did she do?

"We need to find out who it is," Madeline said with determination.

"But how?" I sighed with hopelessly. "We can't look in every single locker in the school."

"Maybe we could ring the phone?" She suggested, leading me upstairs.

"I guess that could work, but there's a fault in that plan." I walked near Alex's room and knocked lightly on his door. "The phone might not even have any battery or it'll most likely be on silent."

Hearing a faint "Come in" from Alex, I opened the door and entered his room with a huff.

"What do you need?" He smiled awkwardly, spinning around to look at me in his chair.

"Just came to thank you," I stated before scanning his computer. "And to pick ideas out of your intelligent brain."

"You want me to find a way to locate what locker the phone is in, don't you?" He quirked up his eyebrow.

I nodded sheepishly, flaming up at the lack of self-help I had. Alex was my only hope. I knew I shouldn't have involved Alex, but he had already been brought into it by the texter. I was just trying to unveil who dared to threaten the fourteen year old, thirteen at the time.

"Look, I can give you this device that tracks the phone and navigates your way to it," he responded, grabbing hold of a phone-like structure, which seemed way too technical for my small brain to handle.

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