Fangs And All (SungWon)

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Requested by: 5u5h143v3r
"Heyo, can u make a sungwon vampire au, where the 2 r dating for 2 months, but what Won doesn't know, is that Hoon is a vamp, and if he doesn't drink blood over a month , then he becomes weak. Won noticed that his bf wasn't feeling well, so he asked what's up, and Hoon tells him to stay away. Won doesn't understand why, so Hoon tells him the truth, and that he didn't want to feed on him, cuz he was afraid to hurt his cat boi. After thinking about what the older said, the cat boi tells him to drink blood from him. The penguin boi resists at first, but he knew that he doesn't have a choice, so he does that. After a while, Hoon fainted cuz of all the energy he used while being on his weak state, and Won carried him to the bed and they cuddled. On the next day, Hoon shyly thanks Won, who says that if the latter feels thirsty then he shouldn't be shy and tell him 'bout it. Hoon promised that he'll do so, and after that they went on a date."

I was supposed to do a JayHoon one, but not even my imagination could manifest something beyond 100 words, and I quitted out of frustration. So... sorry.

Luckily, I was able to do this one. Because of all the SungWon crumbs lately, the fact I wrote a Vhope version in 2019 (and accidentally predicted their Dynamite era hairstyles), I was able to do this, and as always, enjoy!

Sunghoon is fucking starving.

It's been so long since he drank blood, and he feels so damn weak.

But it's hard to hunt when he's trying not to let his boyfriend of two months find out that he's a vampire.

They haven't gone out for that long, but Sunghoon cherishes him with all his heart, and the love he was for Jungwon is like the human, way bigger than him.

So if Jungwon finds out what he really is, he'll go under the sun without protection and crumble to dust.


"You look weaker, princess," Jungwon mumbles sadly, feeling his forehead for heat, confused when there was nothing. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Jungwon thinks he's sick. He feels sick from lack of eating, but he's not actually sick. Vampires can't get sick. And because of this, Sunghoon has no idea which illness he should fake.

"No!" Sunghoon immediately yells. The doctors will discover that he's a vampire, then so will Jungwon, and then he'll kill himself. Or someone else will. He pushes his boyfriend off. "Leave me alone!"

"Princess, what's wrong? I can't help you if I don't understand what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong, Wonie! I'm clearly fine!" 

"...No, but you're clearly lying."

"Fine, I'm not sick, okay?! I'm just hungry because I can't find blood and which is literally the only thing vampires eat which is why I hate being a vam—" Sunghoon covered his mouth, realizing that he's saying his thoughts out loud. He doesn't look at Jungwon, fearing what his reaction is gonna be.

"You're... a vampire?" Jungwon finally says after letting it all sink in.

Sunghoon nods, eyes tearing up.

"So... I was right?" The question was directed more at himself, not his boyfriend. 

Still, it caught Sunghoon off-guard.


 "Baby, some of your little quirks reminded me of vampires' weaknesses. You acted like you were dying when I opened the curtains once. " Jungwon reminds him. Sunghoon pouts. He should've kept his guard up more.

"I-I was!" Sunghoon blurts out, before realizing what I said. "Being dramatic, I mean!"

"Oh, yeah? I've seen you buy off more sunscreen than goths. During our date at the new pizza place last week, you covered your nose at my garlic bread. There's also the time you ran away from a priest holding a cross."  Jungwon lists off. He then grabs the back of the vampire's hand and kisses it. "Hoonie, it's okay. I don't care that you're a vampire."

"How the fuck are you even taking this so well??!!"

"Not gonna lie, my life was pathetic before I met you, like Bella Swan from Twilight. You filled my life with excitement. And, you need blood, right?"

"Y-Yeah?" Jungwon simply points at himself. When Sunghoon gets the clue, he looks at the human like he's crazy.

"No way."

"What? Why not? You think there's something wrong with my blood?"

"W-What? No! I just don't want to risk hurting you and your life!"

"You're the one who might die of starvation if not fed, now is not the time to be stubborn. You don't exactly have a choice here, Hoon."

Because of how right he is and the fact that he likes to please his boyfriend, Sunghoon relents, reluctantly going near him, fangs out and prominent and baby brown eyes now a vibrant, glowing ruby red.

Hunger now taking over his self-control, he bit onto Jungwon's neck, feasting the delicious blood. Jungwon stifled a groan, hands on the vampire's thick black hair.

When he got full, Sunghoon stopped, pulling away.

"You okay?" Jungwon asks him, but Sunghoon didn't answer. Fearing the worst, he hurriedly checks his lover... to find him sound asleep, with nose twitching like a little bunny and cute snores.

Snores aren't cute unless you're such a simp. Which Jungwon is.

He chuckles as he carries the vampire to the bedroom, planning on a cuddle session after he treats the bite mark on his neck.


"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Jungwon says, stroking raven locks out of the vampire's face. The curtains was open, but Jungwon's broad figure overshadowed the little vampire.

"Morning," Sunghoon mumbles sleepily, but something he remembered made him snap awake. "Are you okay—?"

"I'm fine, princess. I mean it." He assures his lover." Sunghoon relaxes, snuggling closer, mumbling a "Thank goodness" that Jungwon heard.

"But I should be asking you that, seeing how you were asleep afterwards like a little baby who got feed his milk." 

Sunghoon pouts in embarrassment. "I just used up all my energy drinking your blood, that's all."

"Okay, but next time, you can come to me, okay? I said when we started dating that I'd do anything for you, which now includes letting you eat my blood."

"Okay, Wonie. I promise you that I will. And thank you for... letting me eat." Sunghoon says shyly, smiling gratefully at his lover.

"Of course. Like I said, anything for you."

"How can I repay you?"

Jungwon smirks, cat-like and mischievous. "Well... maybe later tonight we can have some fun~"

The blood Sunghoon consumed goes to his face, slapping the human's chest. "W-Wonie!"

The human shrugs. "Hey, you said anything. But in all seriousness, I want to take you to take you out on a date as soon as the sun goes down. Then we can have fun."

Sunghoon rolls his eyes, blush still on. "Alright."

Sorry I gave up on the Jayhoon one... I had a breakdown over it cuz I didn't know what to write. I won't say what request because I don't want to disappoint the requester, but yeah, sorry again requester

𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮 (Sunghoon-centric Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now