Hornier Than A Frickin' Rabbit (JakeSunSun)

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Requested by: svngwxn_enthu
Funny story, we chatted on Discord then suddenly they came up with this gem. I think I lost what they said but I remember the request said "jakesunsun with hybrids" and "wolf and fox hybrids sunjake fucking bunny hoon"

Anyway, thanks for the request Wren!

The only trigger warning other than Sunghoon having both male and female parts is that this is fucking filthy, ESPECIALLY for something to post on Sunoo's bday. Anyways, happy birthday sunshine! 💖

"Hi baby bun." Sunoo says, bringing the bunny hybrid into a cuddling session.

Sunghoon just snuggled into Sunoo's chest, enjoying the fox's company.

Until said fox's hands went on his ass.

"Y-Yah! Sunoo, what are you—"

"When's your next heat due, bun?" Sunoo asks, hands massaging the bunny's ass. "It's been a while since your last one... I'm getting worried."

He didn't sound worried, though.

Sunghoon found it hard to think when his ass was being groped. "...Around this week."

"Ah..." Shit. Sunghoon knows that tone. It's when he's up to no good. "Can't wait~"

"Can't wait for what?"

Sunghoon squeaks, slapping Sunoo's hands off before realizing it's Jake.

The wolf hybrid was just awkwardly standing there like that standing guy emoji.

"His heat. It's been a while since his last one."

Jake's aura was no longer awkward from the moment he smirked. He walked over, taking the little rabbit in his arms.

"You're right, Sunoo-ah. It has. It's actually kinda concerning." His hands, which were a bit bigger than Sunoo's, roam around Sunghoon's body, but he did it in a way that made Sunghoon feel like it was barely there, like a ghost. It was haunting the poor bunny.

He tugged one of Sunghoon's bunny ears, and leaned close. "And I'm craving for meat. Rabbit meat." he whispers, voice deep and accent thick. Sunghoon was shaking.

"Awww... the poor thing is trembling." Sunoo says, playing with Sunghoon's floppy ears, while Jake pulls him closer. Sunghoon was as sensitive as he was pretty. He hid it well, considering his "Ice Prince" nickname, but when there's no cameras, he doesn't bother to hid it, since the members assured him that he doesn't have to hide it with his family. 

Sunghoon trembled even more. His ears were sensitive, too.

The sly fox knew it, considering that he's still playing with them. 

"J-Jaeyunie, w-what are you—" Sunghoon gasped when Sunoo lifted his shirt high enough for his chest to be exposed from behind. He bit his lip to refrain from moaning loud enough to disturb the other members as Jake sucked on one of his his buds.

Sunoo once again did something to surprise Sunghoon, this time he got his hands in his pants and rubbed his cock. Sunghoon was now panting, long, perfect nails clawing at Jake's broad shoulders.

"You're such a good boy, snowflake." Jake whispers, making Sunghoon shiver again. "You have no idea how much you impressed us right now."

Sunoo eventually pulled his hand out, which was now sticky from cum. Sunghoon cringed when he licked the cum off.

"Now I know what I want for my birthday tomorrow." 

The bunny just gulped helplessly.


Sunoo was right, all that touching must've triggered something, because now the poor bunny went into heat in the middle of Sunoo's birthday party.

Jake hid a snicker when Jay pulled Riki away before he could ask him and Sunoo what was wrong. The eagle hybrid often tried to hide things from the jaguar, since he was the youngest. 

They then excused themselves and ran off with their bunny before Jungwon and Heeseung wanted to police interrogate them and everyone got turned on. 

Right now, Sunghoon now stripped as Jake kissed him while Sunoo's hands roamed his body.

"Aaah!!" Sunghoon screamed, thrashing around. Sunoo had inserted two fingers inside the older without him noticing.

"So cute." Jake cooes while Sunghoon whimpers random things, like Jake and Sunoo's names.

"Felt good, baby bun?" Sunoo asks, licking his fingers.

Without warning the bunny, Sunoo went straight for the pussy, eating him out like it was the first meal he's ever had.

"S-Sunoo... Ugh!" Sunghoon cries when the fox's tongue went deeper.

"This feels so good..." Sunghoon moans when Jake started to play with his chest, squeezing it roughly.

"W-Wait—" He then clamps his hand over his mouth to muffle his scream as he came violently. Sunoo pulls away, licking the excess cum on his lips.

The two predators took a good look at him. His blonde hair was tangled from hair pulling, bunny ears twitching, breathes heavy, delicate hands gripping onto the sheets like life support, doll eyes glistening and watery with tears streaming his soft cheeks, tongue out and mouth wide open with drool sliding down his chin. Jake stopped the younger from biting his plush lips with his bunny teeth.

"Fuck, bun. You're so beautiful." Jake growled, dangerously kissing (dangerous cuz there's some biting) the bunny's jaw and neck, increasing his already overflowing tears.

Sunoo wasn't doing nothing, no, he was marking Sunghoon's thighs, and like Jake, he was probably biting at Sunghoon's pale skin.

After a while, Sunghoon was placed on Sunoo's lap. Jake was behind him, nipping at Sunghoon's ear to make him squirm. 

"Now," Jake says as his and Sunoo's cocks near the prey's hole. "We'll put it in."

"Okay..." Sunghoon mumbles.

They went in slowly, going even slower when Sunghoon started wailing and trembling. 

"It's all in, lovebug..." Sunoo says, tenderly wiping Sunghoon's tears and kissing the constellation of moles on his face.

"Are you okay, precious?" Jake asks, stroking Sunghoon's hair

"Yeah..." Sunghoon manages out.

"So cute. We'll move now, okay?"

Sunghoon nods, and they move at a (hehe) animalistic pace. Sunghoon was sobbing, one hand on Sunoo's bicep and another cover his mouth.

"Don't hold you voice back, sweetheart." Jake murmurs, kissing the back of his head as he guided the younger's hands to hold up his thighs. "I wanna hear your voice."

"L-Love you." Sunghoon says, pulling the two predators closer than they already were. "I love you guys..."

"We know." They respond, kissing Sunghoon's cheeks as they hit his prostate for the third time. "We love you too."

"Jaeyunie... Sun... I'm gonna cum... can I please cum?"

"Yes you can, Hoonie." Jake says, kissing the marks on his prey's neck.

"Cum for us, baby." Sunoo commands, stroking the older's dick.

And he did, sobbing until every last drop was out. Then after they came an hour later, Jake and Sunoo gently laid him on the bed, cleaned him up, dressed him, and tucked him in, each of them kissing his lips goodnight. Then they took care of themselves.

"So... think they left some cake for us?" Sunoo asks.

"On one hand, it's your birthday cake, but on the other hand, we said it was okay that he could be loud, so... Heeseung-hyung and Jay most likely let Jungwon and Riki finish it."

"Damn it. It was a mint choco cake, too." Sunoo whined. He then looked at Sunghoon with a soft smile. "He was worth it, though."


I'm saying this from my apartment in hell: stream Nayeon's solo album guys, it's full of bops that aren't worth skipping (special mention to No Problem, my favorite b-side)

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