Falling... For You (OT7)

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Requested by: 20jigeuk13
"Hey author-nim I was thinking maybe you can make an one-shot about sunghoon's fall in the latest episode . In which the members get worried about their cute penguin and I'm sorry for the bad grammar."

I've wanted to do this for a while, but with more interesting requests appearing, plus my Solon fanfic, I never got the chance to... until now

This is a breather after what I've done in the latest chapters of my Solon fanfic because... what the fuck have I done

Sunghoon made some weird noise as he kicked the mitt then fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at the fallen boy with wide eyes. The moment they saw Sunghoon fall onto the floor, on the outside, they were laughing. Although on the inside, they were freaking out big time.

Luckily, after insistence from the members that he should get a checkup, Sunghoon was fine and had no injuries. He was, however, embarrassed as hell. They knew because when he's embarrassed he gets twice as energetic.

After the filming of the episode, they all crowded Sunghoon.

"Baby, are you okay? Nothing hurts?" Jay asked, cupping Sunghoon's face.

"I-I'm okay." Sunghoon says, patting the hands on his face.

"Princess." Jungwon says sternly. "Don't lie to us."

"I-I'm not lying!" Sunghoon insisted.

"Well... alright, princess. If you say so. We believe you." Jungwon relents after a while, kissing the mole on Sunghoon's right cheek.

Sunghoon failed to notice that they were all crossing their fingers behind their backs.


Sunghoon berates himself for not noticing it sooner.

First, Heeseung, Jay and Jungwon carry him every chance they get and won't let him walk when he asks to put him down. Their (lame ass) excuse was: "So you can sleep all you want, snowflake." Sunghoon knows they do that over even a scratch on his leg because apparently to them, God forbid that Park Sunghoon gets hurt.

Next, whenever he sits down, Jake gives him every pillow on the couch. And he does it even when Sunghoon isn't sitting on the couch. Sunghoon found it suspicious because he always does that whenever Sunghoon's wiped out from practicing choreography or any other physical activity... even as far as I-Land, the place where they first met.

And yesterday, Sunoo actually lent him that Nintendo Switch he got. He usually isn't that eager to share it, but he unhesitatingly gave it to Sunghoon, who played it while Riki and Jungwon bickered with Sunoo over that (of course the youngest members made sure Sunghoon knew it wasn't his fault).

Finally, this morning, Riki treated him like a younger sibling, talking to him gently, picking him up like Heeseung, Jay and Jungwon do, and babying him a bit. Riki does that when Sunghoon is sick, hurt, stressed and/or anxious.

It was creeping him out a bit. No, a lot. He needs to end this bullshit.

"Guys..." Sunghoon says softly when they fret over him for the seventh time this week. he was currently in his bed, with soup and a lot of pillows.

"GUYS!" Sunghoon raised his voice, which got the members' attention, terrifying them at the same time.

"Y-Yes, angel?" Heeseung says, fearfully stuttering a bit.

Sunghoon rubbed his temples. "Look, I love you guys, but I'm sick of you guys... um..." he searched his brain for the right word. "...smothering me. I understand that you're all concerned, but it's kinda... overbearing... and it's fucking scaring me."

"Oh, princess... were we... too much?" Jungwon asked, stroking Sunghoon's raven locks.

Sunghoon sighed. "I should've said something sooner... but yes."

"Sorry, pup..." Jake apologizes, kissing Sunghoon's head. "We won't do it again."

"You said that last time."

"But we mean it this time!"

Sunghoon squints his eyes at them. "Are you crossing your fingers again?"

"No!" They all say, putting their hands up.

"I hope you mean this time, because I swear to God, if you do this again I will ban you all from touching me." Sunghoon crosses his arms, making sure they know he's being serious.

"W-We do! We do, we swear!" His boyfriends sweatdropped nervously.

Sunghoon then smiles, spreading his arms wide open. They all (gently) tackle him in a hug.

Sorry it's short like my shortest oneshot ever I squeeze time to write after doing school stuff

If you guys are curious about wtf did I mean by "what the fuck have I done" y'all can check my Solon fanfic #self-promotion

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