The Master Plan Part 2

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Y/N: "Like I said, you both will be fine, now go, Jerry will take you there, also here some pocket money Stolas told me to give you, its enough for you both to buy some food or whatever, call if something happens, now go! Have fun! Cya!" He said as he finally manage to push them out of the mansion and closed it.

Loona: "Well... so...who is Jerry anyway?"

Octavia: "Our driver, he is over there." She said pointing at the limo that was approaching them. When it were right in front of them, Jerry step out and open the back door for them. They enter and sit down and Jerry hurried back to the driver seat and immediately drive off to where the concert was.

As just like they thought, the whole way there was filled with silence, without Y/N to break the ice. The ride there although was short, it was pretty awkward for both of them. That silence were interrupted when Jerry broke it telling them they arrived at the destination, they both look through the window, it was a huge stage set up on the parking lot in front of a mall, there were staff going around carrying stuff and finishing preparing the upcoming show, they both stared at it astonished on how big it was. and again Jerry interrupted it.

Jerry: "So are you gonna get out or what?"

They both answered in unison: "Ye- yea"

They did and as soon they closed the car's door, Jerry stepped the gas pedal and quickly drove off, leaving a dust cloud behind him. And as for the pair, well, there was a reason why there was all that staff there, it was they arrived way earlier. Well, they both decided to kill time by going to that mall, at first it was just like in the car, awkward, but as they walk by the different stores stores and talk about the stuff they like, and as Y/N thought, a good amount of them coincided, and in no time, they finally look like they were friends, and wondering it was a shame they didn't met before. After some time they decided to go to the food court to get something to eat before the concert, there they talked about a lot of stuff, but then Loona asked her a question that caught her off guard, almost making her choke on her own drink.

Loona: "So, how you met Y/N?

Octavia: "Ahh well... emm... one day we needed a repairman and well, he came and fixed it, and well... we call him so often that well, dad thought it would be a good idea to become part of the place's personnel and well...that's it." She lied on the spot, hoping that it would be enough, thankfully out of luck, Y/N said something similar to her, which make her believe her.

Loona: "I see."

Octavia: "And you? I mean I know it was when he started to work there, but did he talk to you outright?"

Loona: "Not really, the first day he came he just went and fixed the rifle Bli- my dad broke and took my desk fan, he still own me that now that I remember." She said with a quick laugh. "Then came the next day keep an eye on the Grim" She stopped herself at mid sentence knowing what she was about to say. "Sorry, I should better shut up"

Octavia: "No, don't worry, I know why he work there, I assume he told you too"

Loona: "About keeping that book safe?"

Octavia: "Yep" She said with a weak smile. Loona saw that and quickly understood that she didn't liked to talk about that, and had to quickly change the topic.

Loona: "You know what, fuck that it's their damn problem, they don't need to drag us into that you know?"

Octavia: "Yea...yea! You are right. I mean shame Y/N got tangled in that, but I'm sure he will be fine, why always know how to deal with that kind of stuff"

Loona: "Oh believe me, I saw it, there was this one time dad bet some shitty parking lot with her ex, and he got dragged into that crap."

Octavia: "Yea, he told me that, he almost got sold to slavery basically."

A Different type of Wasteland Vol1.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ