The Bet

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The next day, I went back to work at I.M.P's front door, when I arrived, I looked through the window, Loona isn't on her usual spot, I look at time, it was almost 7:00am, maybe I got earlier than the rest. I wait for them sitting on the floor leaning on the wall next to the door. After a couple of minutes of waiting, the elevator door opened, I thought it was going to be Blitzo and the rest, but it was just one of those pink demons, she got some big round sun glasses with a heart shape on them, a white fur jacket, a short skirt dress and some high socks. She was accompanied by a hellhound...a really big one, probably her bodyguard or something.

She looks like a pimp

"What? You want an autograph?" The pink demon said with a light indifferent tone towards me.

"Why?" I answered.

She just "hffp" me with an annoyed expression and enter the room in front of the IMP office, the place where that pink hooker girl from the other day came from.

Yep, definitely a pimp.

Her bodyguard just stood near the door. I was going to back to staring at the wall when I hear the elevator bell ringed again, and this time it were Blitzo, Moxxie and Loona.

"Aww, you look perfect Loonie, like always." Said Blitzo

I approach them.

"Hi guys" I said as I stand up and approach them.

"Not now Y/N. Hey big man! Where is that bitch bag of an employer?" He said to the bodyguard.

"She is in her office over there, there wasn't any more room on the second floor so they rented one on this here...its cheaper." He answered


"Emm...what's happening?"

Moxxie: "Blitzo ex-girlfriend took over the company's only parking slot and now they work in front of our office apparently."

I look at the door, then back at Moxxie

"The pink pimp?"

"The pop star slut? yes." Blitzo said still angry


"Pop star?"

"What, you don't know her?" Loona said to me. I just shake my head. "Of course you don't...its a music star..." She said with a "disappointed yet not surprised" face.

"Ohh! Like Gary Golden."

The 3 of them just look at me with confusion.

"Never what now?"

"Sir, let me go there and try to negotiate with her, I don't really listen to what's considered "pop genre" so her status to me is...

"Moxxie...shut the fuck up!"

"Alrighty then" He said while entering their office. Blitzo followed and start watching through the window.

"Where is Millie?" I asked Loona, she half payed attention to my question while looking at herself through a pocket mirror checking her hair and her eyebrows.

"Parking the van somewhere. Do I look fine?" She asked me out of nowhere.

"What? I don't know, you look the same as yesterday if that helps you."

She growl in frustration at my answer, and went back to checking her face.

"Why do you ask m..." I then realized, I look at the bodyguard, then back at Loona.

Ohh... that explains it! Heh!"  I though while trying to hold my chuckles.


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