Too Kind for this Place

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"Fuck... I wanted that...wait...MY STUFF!" I said

I quickly kneel down and put down my backpack to inspect if the glass bottles or something broke, fortunate for me, all seems fine. I sigh in relief. I pick it up and put it back on.

"Now...where the hell I am? I said in a low voice.

I grabbed my rifle again, I look at my left and right, both look the same, and at ends of the hallway appeared to have perpendicular intersections.

"Okay, right or left...lets go left" I thought to myself.

I don't even take a couple of steps in that direction and I start hearing yelling, followed by a flying pot, hitting the middle of the intersection and breaking.

"Right will be then." I said as I do a U turn

I walk down the hallway, until I met the other intersection, I was trying to stay alert, with my rifle ready, but I couldn't ignore the fancy look of my surroundings, all the time I have traveled and never met something closely to this huge building, and its quality.

"How can someone maintain this, must have a lot of money...and access to a lot resources in general..." I thought .

Then I reach the intersection, I quickly peeked to see if there was someone, but there was no one to be seen, so again, left or right.... right.

I start walking again, this time the hallway seemed much like the other one, but this one had a great amount of paintings across it, while the other side had windows. I watched the paintings as I was walking, some are...disturbing to say more or less, others had weird creatures in them... it went like that for a min or two until I came across a door, and on the side of the windows, I spot a...giant plant? In a really nice pot, and next to it a small table with 2 white chairs, right in front of a door I get closer until I was right in in front of it.

"That's a really big plant" I said as I approached my hand to touch it

Then the plant opened its eyes...and looked at me, I immediately stop, took a couple of steps back and aim my rifle at it. I stay like this for a couple of seconds, until the plant just ignore me and close them again.

"The plant has's new... and I went into vault full of walking plants"

Then, I hear the door behind me opening, I quickly turned around and aim, to see a small red creature, that look similar to the one that attacked me before, but this one was just...carrying a trash bin and a broom.

"If this assholes are gonna throw plants around all day, they should at least fucking buy those plastics ones that don't need fucking dirt I need to clean!" Said the creature

He then turn around and stood there watching the end of my barrel for some seconds.

"Look buddy, I don't get paid enough to care about burglars... just enough to clean...sometimes not even that... You know what? Do me a favor and go take these fucking plants too, you can sell them for something I think" It pointed the plant behind me.



We stood there for another couple of seconds, I still aiming at it.

"Huh?" I said, I take a look at the room from where it came out, it has small label saying "Janitor Room"

"Look I don't have time for this crap, the big strong box is on the room at the end of the hallway to the left." He pointed at the direction. "I need to clean that before someone trip over and end up blaming me."  He said as he start walking from where I came.

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